Funk is the backbone of all dance music
Idk when someone says Dance i think along the lines of edm
This a strong disagree. Bro most of the songs that get poppin have a viral dance associated with them lol to the point where it's a gimmick labels use intentionally to get songs popular
It doesn’t make it dance music. You can dance to country too.
So around the 30 second mark,am I the only that thinks Ghost is saying “crispy chicken broads”? Like,he’s literally saying he got some light skin girls same color as crispy chicken,SOMEONE HELP!
Ghostface himself said his lyrics on this song dont mean anything
Dua lipa was only one really doing it at mainstream level
And the only one before her was Maroon 5
Idk when someone says Dance i think along the lines of edm
Daft Punk is not edm
Nobody dancing to aphex twin
That’s just “Electronic” or “techno” like Kraftwerk
Could be argued the forefathers tho
“Dance” is like “Rap”
It’s an umbrella term that refers to a wide array of different moods
That’s just “Electronic” or “techno” like Kraftwerk
Putting Electronic in different sub-genres feels so unnecessary it could be burial, aphex, daft punk really the same s*** at the end of the day
Just like hip-hop
“Dance” is like “Rap”
It’s an umbrella term that refers to a wide array of different moods
How is this not dance music though
XXXTentacion was just a edgier more raw Jaden Smith.
Jadens music is just as good if not better
Dominic Fike is who XXX was getting ready to become.
Range Brothers is Kendrick's best and one of his only great verses since Buried alive.
TPAB is a classic, but can we all finally admit the Tupac s*** is corny as hell
How is this not dance music though
! said it wasn’t?
Ghostface himself said his lyrics on this song dont mean anything
I feel like you can interpret some of the phrases he says but the bars all together definitely don’t mean a thing