the more i think about the batman the more i think it’s the best batman movie since TDK and is a top 5 superhero movie
it's true and false at the same time
i mean on sight beat is a tribute to chicago acid house and i don't think i ever heard someone rapping on this type of beat
Besides the fact that rock is in desperate need of fun music (which doesn’t strictly mean lighthearted; a lot of the greatest rock music of all time is dark as hell in temperament but fun as hell to listen to), it may need to let go of the puritanical adherence to live instruments - in both performing and recording
Low synths have replaced electric guitars; why do you think white boys who would have been rock fans in a different time are now fans of Mike Dean collaborators? And this is a small ass example
Oooor we can go with the hope that playing instruments becomes as in demand for the kids as being a rapper…but I doubt that will happen any time soon
havent heard it in years but i dont find it very similar to yeezus at all lol, thought you were gonna link some underground experimental s***
Love flylo but there’s a massive difference between someone in Kanye’s position in 2013 making Yeezus and flylo making cosmogramma
also creative =/= experimental
ill listen, that cover is fire tbh
rice cooker a better invention than an air fryer
little ceasers pizza only good for the first few mins
Brilliant Idiots podcast>>>>> 99% of other podcast
Curren$y >>> 100%. Wiz is a weirdo to me, I fw his mixtapes heavy, but personally?
Love flylo but there’s a massive difference between someone in Kanye’s position in 2013 making Yeezus and flylo making cosmogramma
Exactly. It was always impressive from the perspective of mainstream music and nothing else
the last of us part 2 is the greatest game of all time and the best narrative told across the video game medium
This whole “x&y artists should have blown up/didn’t get the recognition they deserved” s*** is so unfounded. And it’s cute cause it comes from a place of equating fame in the music industry with “respectable music”. It doesn’t work that way
In music, you’re as super successful as you and your music is immediately marketable to the widest array of listening demographics, or the widest array of whatever demographic you’re aiming at. Most of these “they deserved more” artists clearly don’t have that.
We don’t wanna say it at the risk of sounding like bootlickers. It sucks but music fame isn’t a meritocracy based on stylistic respectability
Nah i don't fw this
maybe in some cases
but when people like Lupe and Cham got screwed over by their labels and leaks there are examples of people that should've been more succesful that just weren't. We just saw JeenYuhs and saw all the work Kanye had to do when he obviously was going to be a star. The people making the decisions are often not making the best ones.
There's also cases where independent/underground rappers just simply couldn't market themselves to the nation, at least not like they can now. Bringing up Cham again people outside of Texas only know his studio releases when him and Paul Wall have southern classics together or that Cham has an incredible mixtape series.
But you can also look at other forms of media, where Family Guy was cancelled. Plenty of execs don't know what they're doing. Arrested Development was a show that got high praise but didn't get many viewers, and the network put it in a timeslot where it was destined to fail. But when Netflix streaming blew up it ended up as one of the most popular shows. Freaks and Geeks and Twin Peaks are more series that didn't get it's recognition during their time.
They said Moby D*** was trash when it released and now it's widely regarded as the best English novel of all time.
There's many more reasons why artists weren't successful or didn't get the recognition they deserved than just "it didn't appeal to the masses."