  • Mar 5, 2022
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    King Von is cool in small doses but he’s mad overrated.

    Same for youngboy tbh

  • The nba players today would make the old school players look like plumbers.

  • Kr0niic

    the last of us part 2 is the greatest game of all time and the best narrative told across the video game medium

    i just got it and i feel you

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Besides the fact that rock is in desperate need of fun music (which doesn’t strictly mean lighthearted; a lot of the greatest rock music of all time is dark as hell in temperament but fun as hell to listen to), it may need to let go of the puritanical adherence to live instruments - in both performing and recording

    Low synths have replaced electric guitars; why do you think white boys who would have been rock fans in a different time are now fans of Mike Dean collaborators? And this is a small ass example

    Oooor we can go with the hope that playing instruments becomes as in demand for the kids as being a rapper…but I doubt that will happen any time soon

    it may need to let go of the puritanical adherence to live instruments - in both performing and recording

    This is exactly why it died. After disco came out, the fans and gatekeepers buried their heads in nostalgia and only wanted to hear stuff that sounded like we have been done before.

    Anything remotely innovative, like new wave, wasn’t regarded as real rock music.

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Being a rapper is actually kind of lame. The only "cool" rappers do other s*** first, they just happen to rap too.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Mar 5, 2022

    I was listening to Dalek in the early 2000s and still call Yeezus a 10/10 this just aint true

    just more condescending nonsense from you

  • Mar 5, 2022
    2 replies

    *The one who thinks travis is responsible for yeezus

    Despite Gesaffelstein, Arca, Daft Punk, Hudson Mohawke all being on there

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Delete Delete

    Being a rapper is actually kind of lame. The only "cool" rappers do other s*** first, they just happen to rap too.

    why specifically rapper?
    i don't they are that different from other artists

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply
    John Mauve


    F*** SPORTS

  • Mar 5, 2022
    2 replies
    internet buddy

    it may need to let go of the puritanical adherence to live instruments - in both performing and recording

    This is exactly why it died. After disco came out, the fans and gatekeepers buried their heads in nostalgia and only wanted to hear stuff that sounded like we have been done before.

    Anything remotely innovative, like new wave, wasn’t regarded as real rock music.


    If funk, hiphop, and r&b music can be made with synths and be identifiable as what they are…wtf is the excuse for rock being unable to?

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Damn 808s just never happened

  • Mar 5, 2022
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Yup. I honestly don’t get the early backlash.


  • Mar 5, 2022
    Oblivion X

    *The one who thinks travis is responsible for yeezus

    Despite Gesaffelstein, Arca, Daft Punk, Hudson Mohawke all being on there

    i was just thinking that in hindsight human after all is sort of the precursor to the stuff daft punk did on yeezus and overall sound of it

  • Tubig 🌊
    Mar 5, 2022

  • yes

  • Mar 5, 2022

    not a hot take but dawn fm is still AOTY

  • Mar 5, 2022
    emo genghis khan

    why specifically rapper?
    i don't they are that different from other artists

    I said rapper because I think that's the main genre I see where people use being cool as an identity and niggas not cool, just rich. There is a big difference.

  • Mar 5, 2022

    Pac is BY FAR the most quotable rapper of all time, even if he doesn’t have the most quotables like Hov/Wayne/Drake

  • Mar 5, 2022
    1 reply

    he used autotune on MBDTF and on features from 2010-2012 so this is a moot point
