  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    what type of gym memberships yall got in the US that you stay at a homeless shelter but also can afford those? I always wondered about that

    Lots of gyms run promo deals where you can sign up for like, $10 for the first month. Or if you don’t have a debit card you can usually buy a day pass for relatively cheap

  • Jun 30, 2024
    paradise valley

    This cultural aspect in the US of parents kicking their kids out immediately after they turn 18 or charging rent is so fascinating to me

  • Jun 30, 2024

    he could get internet access at his local library too they lowkey have a lot of resources i always told myself first thing i would do if my parents ever kicked me out would be going there. if you have the change to spare giving him some money for a cheap hotel until he gets a job and on his feet would be nice. a lot of fast food restaurants hire and pay same day and started paying better since the pandemic

  • Jun 30, 2024

    We need more details of how this situation happened

  • Jun 30, 2024
    paradise valley

    This cultural aspect in the US of parents kicking their kids out immediately after they turn 18 or charging rent is so fascinating to me

    yeah my parents are immigrants and i’m living with my parents until i’m married probably and all the immigrant families we moved here with did the same thing and we had three or four generations living in the same house. families gotta stick together as long as possible and work together

  • Jun 30, 2024

    Honestly only rly 2 good options

    Ask more friends

    Go to shelter

  • Jun 30, 2024

    He’s f***ed

  • Jun 30, 2024

    Well if he is kickd out that means he is homeless whch means best bet is homeless shelter whch means alot in differnt states

  • Jun 30, 2024

    Like Crodie said above he finna have to get a fast food job, there’s a labor shortage of them.

    Temp working agencies also can pay you the same day you work each day.

    When I was on the verge of being homeless from getting fired at construction the next day I went to a temp work agency , bro at the desk submitted my paperwork work and the very next day I was able to work and got pay every day worked on the spot.

    Was some of the worst jobs I ever worked in my life, but it kept me from being a complete crash out.

  • Jun 30, 2024
    paradise valley

    This cultural aspect in the US of parents kicking their kids out immediately after they turn 18 or charging rent is so fascinating to me

    He got plain kicked out, he’s planning going back to his country to live with a cousin but I doubt bro wanna go through all that s*** right now, need to put his head on his shoulders but I know it’s difficult if you’re on the streets

  • Jun 30, 2024
    babylon sherm

    Lots of gyms run promo deals where you can sign up for like, $10 for the first month. Or if you don’t have a debit card you can usually buy a day pass for relatively cheap

    Dam that’s a good deal off of water bill alone

  • Jun 30, 2024
    3 replies

    Bought bro a place for tonight, no homie of mine sleeping in the streets while I’m alive, not in my f***ing sight b****

    Ps: f*** his b**** ass mom and his hoe ass dad, my brother coming with me

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Bought bro a place for tonight, no homie of mine sleeping in the streets while I’m alive, not in my f***ing sight b****

    Ps: f*** his b**** ass mom and his hoe ass dad, my brother coming with me

    You're a great friend

  • Jun 30, 2024
    fun guy

    You're a great friend

    I cherry pick my friends and I know for a fact you don’t choose your family, but I make a couple exceptions, when you’re my friend it means you’re my brother and I won’t just sit while you’re sleeping in the cold

    Ps: If you’re friends with someone who’s in a precarious situation/homeless and you haven’t done anything for them, you’re scum in my eyes

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    @VibesNVice thoughts?

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Alright brothers keep it formal
    My friend got kicked out by his parents at 18 years old, he’s got nowhere to go or to sleep, no money no nothing, just the little bit of data left in his cellphone but he’ll probably hook to Starbucks wifi
    I can’t take him with me as we live 4 states apart and I don’t have a car, what advice can y’all give him right now? Is he doomed to be homeless? I don’t wanna see a brother going down the pothole of homelessness

    What country? No even single relative closer to him? Hes part of a community (ex. Online etc)? His parents are problematic or hes the issue?

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    @VibesNVice thoughts?

    Sticky situation but my question is why won’t his parents help him? Is there something he did or certain behavior they don’t agree with? I’m more curious as to his parents reasoning for essentially causing him to become homeless.

    My advice to him is to enroll in a community college asap and rely on financial aid. There’s a lot of assistance/support for students, especially those who have zero income. Financial aid will will pay for housing and he can work towards degrees.

  • Jun 30, 2024

    I’ve had a job since 15 but we’re a minority

    Not really

  • Jun 30, 2024
    2 replies

    Tell him to enlist, preferably in the Air Force and get into a IT, cybersecurity, or intelligence role. He'll be set for life if he does that.

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    What country? No even single relative closer to him? Hes part of a community (ex. Online etc)? His parents are problematic or hes the issue?

    His parents are on the narcissistic spectrum, his younger siblings have always been favored more than him, he’s caught depression and they wouldn’t pay him a therapist, school counselor didn’t give af either, he’s always had it rough he thought if he studied enough he’d get into college and leave the house but the plan has turnt upside down which is the s***tiest part
    Now we gotta switch it up and put him in the good road

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Sticky situation but my question is why won’t his parents help him? Is there something he did or certain behavior they don’t agree with? I’m more curious as to his parents reasoning for essentially causing him to become homeless.

    My advice to him is to enroll in a community college asap and rely on financial aid. There’s a lot of assistance/support for students, especially those who have zero income. Financial aid will will pay for housing and he can work towards degrees.

    They just simply think he was a mistake, he’s reminded of and during calls I could hear his parents insulting him and sometimes trying to start a brawl with him in order to kick him out with police force. But today he came from an appointment with the dentist and he found all his stuff thrown outside the house with a note that said “pick it up and leave”, for some reason they decided to keep his MacBook and the rest of his commodities

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    What kind if phone service he using where it doesn't make sense just to do unlimited man

    I'm assuming they mean the data throttling cap? Like I have "unlimited" data with at&t but after 2gigs my internet will run slower/videos will play very poorly

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Bought bro a place for tonight, no homie of mine sleeping in the streets while I’m alive, not in my f***ing sight b****

    Ps: f*** his b**** ass mom and his hoe ass dad, my brother coming with me

    What state is he in? CA will give you an ebt card same day if you tell them you're homeless

  • Jun 30, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    I'm assuming they mean the data throttling cap? Like I have "unlimited" data with at&t but after 2gigs my internet will run slower/videos will play very poorly

    I don’t know how it works honestly, that s***ty 4G that’s keeping his phone alive I guess, will try to help him with that too

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    What state is he in? CA will give you an ebt card same day if you tell them you're homeless

    New Mexico bro