  • Jul 1, 2024
    2 replies

    If he in Albuquerque tell him to hit up the Albuquerque Opportunity Shelter run by Heading Home. It's easily the best low barrier overnight shelter in the city/state. I know because I work there. There's a few beds open rn just tell him to call and they'll give him one

    Never thought you’d be this useful plants Congrats, might not even block you next time I see your stupid takes brother

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    what happened why didnt he make college @op

    im SUPER curious about this whole situation

  • Jul 1, 2024

    I am very close to someone who, slightly different, ran away from home at 16 or so and so. I love hearing about these situations.

  • greatsmilebuddy_

    Never thought you’d be this useful plants Congrats, might not even block you next time I see your stupid takes brother

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 1, 2024

    Never thought you’d be this useful plants Congrats, might not even block you next time I see your stupid takes brother

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    what happened why didnt he make college @op

    im SUPER curious about this whole situation

    He simply didn’t get accepted, I don’t know much but he said he did put a lot of effort and the outcome was that, his parents were fed up of maintaining 4 children so they just said, oh hey, this one’s not a minor, let’s kick him tf out to his own luck
    Were trying to turn this around and he’s considering Air Force, not a weakling but also not Rambo, so he’s hesitant
    Let’s pray all together

  • is his parents crazy or was he od'ing

    if he was od'ing he gotta apologize and really work his ass off to get their trust

    if its their parents gg idk

    theres rpobably some subreddits that can help fund minor expenses and hell with life saving favors but other then that idek

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    This cultural aspect in the US of parents kicking their kids out immediately after they turn 18 or charging rent is so fascinating to me

    Most modern parents aren’t doing this. Either the parents are boomers or the friend did something to get himself kicked out. I mean there’s still a very small chance the parents are just a******s but yea

  • AR15 💯
    Jul 1, 2024

    Most modern parents aren’t doing this. Either the parents are boomers or the friend did something to get himself kicked out. I mean there’s still a very small chance the parents are just a******s but yea

    Yeah nobody wants to take care of a free loading junkie

  • greatsmilebuddy_

    He simply didn’t get accepted, I don’t know much but he said he did put a lot of effort and the outcome was that, his parents were fed up of maintaining 4 children so they just said, oh hey, this one’s not a minor, let’s kick him tf out to his own luck
    Were trying to turn this around and he’s considering Air Force, not a weakling but also not Rambo, so he’s hesitant
    Let’s pray all together

    I hope those parents have good pensions. Because if they end up burning their relationship with all their other children like your friend, they will regret it eventually