He dropped 3 classics last year
He dont need to slow down
No he didn’t
Don’t trust you projects were garbage
Mixtape Pluto was incredible tho
What u saying isnt true
He dropped one of the most succesful, and his best first week of his career with one
And then dropped 2 that fans loved
Future fans winning because the music is great
I never said the music isn’t great. They just aren’t classic. No one. I repeat no one will look back at those other two albums and say they are classic.
Maybe future fans but that’s it.
Now everyone is a Future hater smh. But when he drops, the thread will be 100 pages long with mad glazing
me when i skim through an album and not engage with it
Sheep ass post. Learn how to listen to a song or an album and learn how to a***yze them and how they impact your brain and heart. Once you achieve that - maybe if is the right word here instead of once - you'll understand what you need to listen to and what you don't need to listen to.
Metro, Southside and other producers when Future requests beat packs for his d*** induced mumble raps
No he didn’t
Don’t trust you projects were garbage
Mixtape Pluto was incredible tho
no they werent and they were way better than mixtape pluto
no they werent and they were way better than mixtape pluto
lol no they weren’t
Sheep ass post. Learn how to listen to a song or an album and learn how to a***yze them and how they impact your brain and heart. Once you achieve that - maybe if is the right word here instead of once - you'll understand what you need to listen to and what you don't need to listen to.
i liked all 3 so what exactly do i need to learn ?
lol no they weren’t
lemme guess metro fell off and mixtape pluto was good cos he wasnt on it
that bout right?
Between the beef and him dropping so much mid last year I think ppl are finally cool off future for a bit
hardly anyone is even doing the fake “future on a run” posts or basketball memes to fit in
i liked all 3 so what exactly do i need to learn ?
Your issue might be that you don't know enough about Future's discog. Anyone who knows how good he can be wouldn't be too happy with those 3 projects.
Sure, no big deal if he only dropped 1 project. Anyone can miss. But it's simply not good enough when we look at the total amount of songs he dropped.
This didn’t happen. He dropped one future classic and two albums that kinda fell to the way side.
U only think that 1 album is a classic cuz kendrick got a ft on it. If he was on the other 2 you’d be calling them classics as well lol
are we gonna be normal about this one or are we gonna pretend it’s 56 nights/monster level again
This didn’t happen. He dropped one future classic and two albums that kinda fell to the way side.
Future didn’t drop any classic albums this year. He dropped 3 good projects and that should be enough lol