Always in for Future but he need to step up. Those 2 Metro albums were very disappointing. 42 songs in total but only 4-5 songs were worthy of being added to a playlist. That's way too low for a legend like Future
only 4-5 is a lie
been a fan of him since turn on the lights buddy idk what ur yapping about
idk why he thinks he's king of future opinions nor idk when he started posing as such a big future stan lmao
as a huge drake fan type of energy and fronting
half of we still trust you is one of his best and most creative work in a long time
A lot of lames on here that barely listened, they came for the beef nonsense and dipped
idk why he thinks he's king of future opinions nor idk when he started posing as such a big future stan lmao
as a huge drake fan type of energy and fronting
He just talk like that about every opinion he has. You are intellectually inferior to him if you have a different opinion. And he only don't like Future's output last year cause of the beef lmao
A lot of lames on here that barely listened, they came for the beef nonsense and dipped
big faxx, they were never future fans they were drake fans
how can they call s*** like this "same ol future" lmao
and theres still some hard ass s*** like Crossed Out, Show of Hands, Nobody Knows My Struggle etc.
trimmed to 15 tracks or so it would be a crazy ass project
He just talk like that about every opinion he has. You are intellectually inferior to him if you have a different opinion. And he only don't like Future's output last year cause of the beef lmao
ive showed how wrong and the hypocrisy of dude multiple times but when you do that he just stops responding trying to save face then go test his bullshit out in another thread that isnt on to him yet
s*** is even worse because of his faux intellectualism and "neutral/fair" act that is all lies too that been had holes poked thru all over from many
idk how you can be so wrong or put so many foots in your mouths for years yet still act so pompous over nothing lol, but whatever helps you make it thru the day tho i guess
That’s an old tour
I know. But HNDRXXfans gets info usually
@Hndrxx_Free @early
Rumors that it's called Legendary Nights
56 Nights dropped in march...
Is this gonna be its sequel?