Definitely overlooked, probably because the music was so vulnerable.
My favorite project cover art by him as well.
Nayvadius Fire Marshall fewtch future hendrix the wizard father Pluto Caesar lee wildburn is the greatest hip hop artist of our generation
said it before but I hope the X**** Damage voice becomes the focus of the next project the same way Flatbed Freestyle will do for WLR
X**** Damage way too good to be that short
I bought 150 bars the day it came out and got hella faded
so u gotta have depression to make sad music? lmao idiot
I wasnt serious leave me alone
Please Tell Me and Extra literally never get old
said it before but I hope the X**** Damage voice becomes the focus of the next project the same way Flatbed Freestyle will do for WLR
Future's too good of an artist to rely on one flow for an entire project
gov’t official only song i go back to
future stans shuffle their ‘overlooked classic’ threads every so often i guess
Future's too good of an artist to rely on one flow for an entire project
flow is not the same thing as a voice
Love Thy Enemies is amazing, shuffled my library last week and that s*** came on after Kill Jay-Z