You think we will ever get another project in that style?
relistening to it now and songs like Extra are just next level
u rly linked 5 of the 7 tracks and didn't include shotgun
o those are all music videos. why wouldn't they make one for shotgun smh
It's weird that Future pulled of that whole aesthetic and whole promo for a 7 track 20min EP
Three music videos
and not some half assed s***
He had a whole concept and style locked down
everything was thought through
And all that for 20 min of music
I don't remember even Wizard having a promo like that
Makes me think Save Me Future is gonna come back
u rly linked 5 of the 7 tracks and didn't include shotgun
o those are all music videos. why wouldn't they make one for shotgun smh
Such a summer vibe
This song feels like staring at the sun
It's weird that Future pulled of that whole aesthetic and whole promo for a 7 track 20min EP
Three music videos
and not some half assed s***
He had a whole concept and style locked down
everything was thought through
And all that for 20 min of music
I don't remember even Wizard having a promo like that
Makes me think Save Me Future is gonna come back
doubt it
You think we will ever get another project in that style?
relistening to it now and songs like Extra are just next level