  • crakc 💤
    1 reply

    Slow day on DrakeToThe I see

  • Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
    Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
    I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
    And more, uh, more paper
    I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions

  • this is crazy tbh

  • crakc 💤
    1 reply

    Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
    Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
    I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
    And more, uh, more paper
    I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions

    Is this true

  • crakc

    Is this true

  • he's so cool

  • crakc

    Slow day on DrakeToThe I see


  • internet hall of fame

  • ·
    1 reply

    did gambling become x100 more popular the last couple years or was i not paying attention

  • ·
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    They gotta fix tinnitus

    Ima fix tinnitus

  • Crazy ya’ll still giving this s*** free promo

    I wouldn’t even know about this stuff if you didn’t make “outrage” posts about it

  • CGI Dog

    did gambling become x100 more popular the last couple years or was i not paying attention

    this video is good insight into it

  • On your back with your racks as the stacks are your load
    In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
    In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

  • proper

    you think drake has tinnitus? @Danny @ghosting

    For sure. Tinnitus the musician's curse

  • ·
    3 replies

    yo what does stake have on drake deadass is this saudi blood money type beat?

  • Heaven forbid a guy have hobbies

  • so much pain

    this video is good insight into it


    This guy makes a lot of good videos btw

  • Takotchi

    yo what does stake have on drake deadass is this saudi blood money type beat?

    If only you knew how bad things really are

  • ·
    2 replies

    yo what does stake have on drake deadass is this saudi blood money type beat?

    drake just the ultimate capitalist in hip hop (...well, 2nd. Hov will always be 1st) where any money is good money and Stake is giving good money.

    Somebody on this site said a year or 2 ago that we're reaching a point that rappers will no longer be their own voices but instead become living ad placements for their sponsors.

    Stake pays him good money so he's gonna always be one of its biggest promoters. Good or bad (depending how you feel about gambling) doesn't really concern him, in capitalism all that matters is how to get more money.

  • insertcoolnamehere

    drake just the ultimate capitalist in hip hop (...well, 2nd. Hov will always be 1st) where any money is good money and Stake is giving good money.

    Somebody on this site said a year or 2 ago that we're reaching a point that rappers will no longer be their own voices but instead become living ad placements for their sponsors.

    Stake pays him good money so he's gonna always be one of its biggest promoters. Good or bad (depending how you feel about gambling) doesn't really concern him, in capitalism all that matters is how to get more money.


    Snoop is forsure second, hes a human mascot now.

  • not that it matters that much to your point lol

  • Marty Crane

    Degenerate behavior

  • Smoking Rules

    Heaven forbid a guy have hobbies


  • fuego 🔥
    1 reply

    this is f***ing hilarious lmfao, the confetti cannon killed me