  • Takotchi

    yo what does stake have on drake deadass is this saudi blood money type beat?

    original deal was 280ms apparently, most artists wont make that in their entire career

  • He prob sees his partnership with Stake similar to Dre with Beats or Jay with Rocawear, deals that catapult them to billions

    Or he’s just in a massive gambling debt lol

  • Nocta40 🦂
    2 replies

    What are y’all? His parents??? This is getting weird

  • fuego 🔥
    1 reply

    What are y’all? His parents??? This is getting weird

    280m, he gets to gamble with absolutely 0 risk, they do these fun marketing stunts, probably paid for a significant portion of the aus tour

    kendrick has a whole song about rappers not being your savior yet here we are getting mad at drake because hes doing what adults do and not PG friendly content

  • ·
    1 reply

    That Sabrina carpenter playing too. She’s dreamy

  • hot pancakes

    That Sabrina carpenter playing too. She’s dreamy

    wonder why Sabrina is highlighted in the ad😭

  • I only gamble when I feel a great shift in my energy like you just found out you had cancer type s*** guaranteed win on anything that requires Luck this lowkey a life hack ngl

  • gonna hit woodbine in toronto this friday cus of drake

    thank u drake for inspiring me

  • fuego

    this is f***ing hilarious lmfao, the confetti cannon killed me

    Sabrina Carpenter blaring, posted by Ivysaur's IG account Wtf is this

  • fuego

    280m, he gets to gamble with absolutely 0 risk, they do these fun marketing stunts, probably paid for a significant portion of the aus tour

    kendrick has a whole song about rappers not being your savior yet here we are getting mad at drake because hes doing what adults do and not PG friendly content

    Even if he was gambling his own money I wouldn’t care at all

    Bro earned it. He can do what he wants with it

  • insertcoolnamehere

    drake just the ultimate capitalist in hip hop (...well, 2nd. Hov will always be 1st) where any money is good money and Stake is giving good money.

    Somebody on this site said a year or 2 ago that we're reaching a point that rappers will no longer be their own voices but instead become living ad placements for their sponsors.

    Stake pays him good money so he's gonna always be one of its biggest promoters. Good or bad (depending how you feel about gambling) doesn't really concern him, in capitalism all that matters is how to get more money.


    wym “reaching a point”?

    we’ve been at that point

    notice how popular “fashion rappers” are nowadays

    i promise they get commission for every mention of specific brands in their songs & what they wear in music videos

  • ·
    4 replies

    What are y’all? His parents??? This is getting weird

    gambling is a terrible habit that has destroyed thousands, if not millions, of lives

    Drake’s target audience is high school/college-aged kids/young adults

    being in his position & promoting Stake is despicable

  • ·
    1 reply

    gambling is a terrible habit that has destroyed thousands, if not millions, of lives

    Drake’s target audience is high school/college-aged kids/young adults

    being in his position & promoting Stake is despicable

    Lil wayne avi lawl

  • I clicked that link and since 2 random Sabrina carpenter songs have played on my recommended on Spotify 😯

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Lil wayne avi lawl

    i’m allowed to like an artist’s music while disagreeing with their personal choices lol

    Wayne was only anti-Bush because of Katrina, but he’s very clearly been a Republican his entire life

    he’s still one of the best to ever rap, if not the best

  • Nocta40 🦂
    3 replies

    gambling is a terrible habit that has destroyed thousands, if not millions, of lives

    Drake’s target audience is high school/college-aged kids/young adults

    being in his position & promoting Stake is despicable

    I feel like this is a bit disingenuous. Considering there’s plenty of other, much larger culprits that have been exploiting this for much longer.

    But to each their own.

  • ·
    1 reply

    I feel like this is a bit disingenuous. Considering there’s plenty of other, much larger culprits that have been exploiting this for much longer.

    But to each their own.

    lol they are currently justifing calling someone a pedophile and other outrageous s*** we hear in music

    ignore the fake outrage broski

  • ·
    1 reply

    I feel like this is a bit disingenuous. Considering there’s plenty of other, much larger culprits that have been exploiting this for much longer.

    But to each their own.

    Gambling sucks, but also don't do it if you don't want to. I feel like that's simple

    Years ago I told people not buy Amazon subscriptions or pay money into free to play games. Humanity is gonna go where it's led to

  • This what he cancelled them shows in Australia to do???

  • Hurry Up Mission

    This what he cancelled them shows in Australia to do???


  • CGI Dog

    Ima fix tinnitus

  • ImAUsernameLike

    gambling is a terrible habit that has destroyed thousands, if not millions, of lives

    Drake’s target audience is high school/college-aged kids/young adults

    being in his position & promoting Stake is despicable

    Bro clutching his pearls

  • ·
    2 replies
    Hurry Up Mission

    This what he cancelled them shows in Australia to do???


  • Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    lol they are currently justifing calling someone a pedophile and other outrageous s*** we hear in music

    ignore the fake outrage broski

    Lmfao I’m down to have a real convo honestly. I’m not gunna crash out over an opinion.

  • Nocta40 🦂
    1 reply
    Ron Mexico

    Gambling sucks, but also don't do it if you don't want to. I feel like that's simple

    Years ago I told people not buy Amazon subscriptions or pay money into free to play games. Humanity is gonna go where it's led to

    You aren’t wrong. Heavy on the free to play gaming smh. Us gamers are in hell now