  • Jan 25, 2021

    Was watching these 2 videos and i realized how games still tryna replicate movie stories.

    I recently finished yakuza 0 and while i enjoyed the story a lot, every time a cutscene played i just wanted it to end so i could beat some people up and play arcade sega games. And that's just one example. Tomb raider, halo, Uncharted etc. all have interesting gameplay but you have to sit through 10 minute unskippable cutscenes where you have no input and just need to sit back and watch characters talk. At a certain point i ask myself why didnt they show these stories as movies, like what did these stories have that they needed to be games.

    Also, i hate when the main character im controlling has different values, makes different choices and behaves differently than i do in cutscenes. I feel like games should tell MY story since IM the one controlling the main character, and when that doesnt happen i feel a certain disconnect, like why am i playing this game since nothing i do will change the course of the story. At this point im just playing an assigned role. I love games like shin megami tensei, zelda botw and cyberpunk, games where you are the main character and you decide what to do. One of these may not seem like the others, but i genuinely think zelda botw's story is not the cutscenes but your journey through hyrule. I loved talking with my friends about what routes did we take and what shrines we solved, it made the experience more personal and unique and we all had funny anecdotes. This is something movies and books can never achieve, so games should use this privilege to its full potential.

    Ultimately what im trying to say is i hope games in the near future can advance in their storytelling, since their interactivity is something other storytelling mediums dont have, yet game companies prefer using cutscenes instead of the game worlds and sidequests to build a story. Also i hope game stories can be more about the player than a third party we just happen to control.

  • Jan 25, 2021
    10 replies

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

  • Jan 25, 2021

    completely agree. being able to have direct interactions with the respective worlds can lead to immersion no other form of media can really compete with.

  • Jan 25, 2021
    Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

    I do it only when replaying them, if i skipped them on my first playthrough i wouldn't know what to do
    But still, when cutscenes go on for 10 minutes its so annoying, just let me play

  • Jan 25, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind


    Especially those who play music during story cutscenes

  • Jan 25, 2021
    1 reply


    Especially those who play music during story cutscenes

    listening to music while playing a single player story-driven game is mf blasphemy

  • Jan 25, 2021
    2 replies

    Am I old or have yall not played Half Life or Metroid Prime, or Majoras Mask, Ocarina of Time... ?

  • Jan 25, 2021
    3 replies

    eh dont see the correlation between interactivity/story let the game be the game and the story be the story you are playing the character that the story designer created

  • Jan 25, 2021

    eh dont see the correlation between interactivity/story let the game be the game and the story be the story you are playing the character that the story designer created

    well what OP is saying is that you can do more than just that.

    Games are interactive, movie games are amazing dont get me wrong but when you put story as part of the design (Ocarina / Majoras Mask) it enhances it, makes it more interactive/immersive.

  • Jan 25, 2021

    Am I old or have yall not played Half Life or Metroid Prime, or Majoras Mask, Ocarina of Time... ?

    I have, and i think half life, any metroid and majoras mask are great at telling a story without relying heavily on dialogue heavy cutscenes. Also the main characters being silent is great to immerse myself into the story and make it more personal

  • Jan 25, 2021

    eh dont see the correlation between interactivity/story let the game be the game and the story be the story you are playing the character that the story designer created

    Yeah but wouldnt it be more dope if you could make or at least influence a story based on how you play? Movies and books dont do that, its somethinng only video games have, and can lead to much more personal and memorable stories. "Movie games" are great but sometimes i feel the story and gameplay are way too disconnected, like how in Tomb raider reboot lara is supposed to be an unexperienced frightened girl who wants to survive in a hostile island but when you play as her you headshotting people like its nothing. I love that game but i hate that aspect of it, makes her character development in the game way less important

  • Jan 25, 2021


  • Jan 26, 2021
    Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

    I think thats totally alright

    I mean sometimes I'm in the mood to watch movies/shows and other times I just wanna enter constant inputs on my controller to have fun
    You know, the mood where your brain just wanna do stuff all the time in order to be entertained

  • Nayuta 🌑
    Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    You sound like you just prefer open world RPG dialogue type game story telling which if fine, but those other games are great without needing that

    Yakuza story is outlandish and a roller coaster most of the time which I love, you def don't need choices and options in it.

  • Nayuta 🌑
    Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Main problem with stories that let you choose is 99% of the time the choices don't mean s*** and lead to the same results which makes it all mean a whole lot less to me

  • Jan 26, 2021
    Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

    My friend does this and it annoys the s*** out of me

    Like how you gonna skip the story in a story based game

  • Jan 26, 2021
    Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

    tbf neither of those games have really good stories

  • Jan 26, 2021

    You sound like you just prefer open world RPG dialogue type game story telling which if fine, but those other games are great without needing that

    Yakuza story is outlandish and a roller coaster most of the time which I love, you def don't need choices and options in it.

    Yeah i prefer those, but i think you can make your own stories even in other genres, the fact that dialogue choices are connected to rpgs is because of the fact its historically been that way, but it can change.
    I loved yakuza 0's story a lot, but id love it as a movie too. I wish what you did in the game affected the story more. For example, i loved the 5 billionaires sidequest, cause you could complete it only if you played well and knew how real estates worked. Imagine something like this with the main story. It would take a lot longer to write scripts of course because it would take account of a lot of choices, but that's why im saying it shouldnt necessarily happen now but in the near future

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Main problem with stories that let you choose is 99% of the time the choices don't mean s*** and lead to the same results which makes it all mean a whole lot less to me

    Games like smt and more recently cyberpunk have different endings and sidequests based on your choices, that is definitely something doable and what i wish developers would start doing. Makes the journey more personal and thus more memorable. Just because a lot of games have choices that dont matter doesnt mean it has to stay that way. Storytelling in videogames has stayed the same for 20 years

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Games like smt and more recently cyberpunk have different endings and sidequests based on your choices, that is definitely something doable and what i wish developers would start doing. Makes the journey more personal and thus more memorable. Just because a lot of games have choices that dont matter doesnt mean it has to stay that way. Storytelling in videogames has stayed the same for 20 years

    spoilers for cyberpunk endings:

    they all kind of the same tbh, bc in all of the endings youll die within a few months anyway, there are like 7 endings and theyre all very very much the same sadly there are games however that do different endings very well

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    finished watching the first vid and loved it

    perfectly explained why i love valve games so much

  • Jan 26, 2021
    rwina sawayama

    spoilers for cyberpunk endings:

    they all kind of the same tbh, bc in all of the endings youll die within a few months anyway, there are like 7 endings and theyre all very very much the same sadly there are games however that do different endings very well

    But at least they were kinda different, its a start. Even smt has some endings which are just worse than others so some would never choose them, but i appreciate the fact i have choices. CDPR can only go higher with the writing, and cyberpunk is a good start. Hope other developers follow suit

  • Jan 26, 2021
    rwina sawayama

    finished watching the first vid and loved it

    perfectly explained why i love valve games so much

    GMTK is a GOAT channel for gaming videos, you always learn something new watching him

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Also besides having choices storytelling through vision and gameplay cues is important too! Kinda like majoras mask, valve games and metroid games do, where Just exploring and doing extras give you a better idea of the story, world and lore

  • Mr Motion

    I recently learned a few months ago, that there are people out there who straight up do not care about the story in games, and just skip all cutscenes and get straight to the gameplay. Like not even for s*** for COD, but for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Down, etc. s*** blows my mind

    what the f*** what kind of monster would play those games like that