Remake legacy of kain cowards @CrystalDynamics
Sunshine 2
Halo sequel that brings back that original trilogy feel (extremely high hopes for infinite)
Portal 3
True sequel to black ops 1 not fast forwarding like 50 years like what we got
Battle for bikini bottom spongebob
Hit and run 2
Pokemon XD gale of darkness 2
Mass effect andromeda 2
Final Fantasy Tactics 2
Too bad the head guy behind it hates Square Enix and the feelings are mutual.
cyberpunk 78
wow 2 lowkey
at this rate wow 2 needs to happen tbh. s***'s gone off the rails lol
Odyssey 2 seems like something that will come lmao
Was gonna say this
Will drop at the end of the switch’s life cycle like Galaxy 2
Baten Kaitos
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Wild Arms
FF Tactics
Pokemon XD
Paper Mario RPG
Super Mario Sunshine
Portal 3
Mirrors Edge
Skate 4
real for skate 4
my most anticipated game oat
twewy 2
skate 4
Bully 2
I know there's been a bunch of rumors and leaks about the game but I doubt this ever comes out. Especially when Rockstar knows they can just release a GTA or RDR every 4-5 years and make billions. I doubt a Bully 2 would rake in even close to the same amount of money.
Unless they find some way to make Bully Online