Portal 3
Mercenaries 3
Destroy All Humans 4
Soldier of Fortune 4
Battlefront 3 (I guess the EA BF2 is fine now tho)
Not really a sequel but just give me a Matrix game developed by Rocksteady already The protagonist could be a previous person who was thought to be The One, add the Arkham games' combat system and bullet time and its a winner
Also Super Budokai Tenkaichi
Bully 2
I know there's been a bunch of rumors and leaks about the game but I doubt this ever comes out. Especially when Rockstar knows they can just release a GTA or RDR every 4-5 years and make billions. I doubt a Bully 2 would rake in even close to the same amount of money.
This one too
Mario Odyssey 2
A new Rachet and Clank game.
A new Crash & Spyro Twisted game.
Halo 3 2 lol
Mario Odyssey 2 would make a lot of sense to make I could easily see it dropping
It's like the most praised/successful Mario game since SMG/NSMBWii era
New NBA Street game in 2020 could be hard if done right
Diddy Kong Racing