Pathologic 2 is the best game of the last five years (and it's not even fully complete yet)
"Let's whack each other with giant heavy swords a bunch of times until one of our health bars is depleted!" simulator
How do people excuse such lazy gameplay design?
The combat is only a small part of the appeal of those games
KTT1 had this and the thread was lit. Haven’t seen a new one on here so if there is then lock this and bump it but otherwise this the new one.
I’ll start:
Majora’s Mask is a bad game and is by far the worst Zelda ever made.
I didn’t play it til the 3DS remake about 6 months ago so my opinion is even fresher. S*** is absolute GARBAGE if I didn’t have a strategy guide for it. And you can say I suck, need to “gitgud”, don’t give a s***. One of the top 3 things I hate in video games is time trials. Entire campaign is based on a time trial. Enough said. So that alone made me not want to play trial and error thru God knows how many attempts before I got it right, so I used a strategy guide from the jump. Beyond that, even using the strategy guide, I’m sitting there thinking “How does anybody naturally figure any of this out?”
I’m not even saying games need to hold your hand, but there was one point on a side quest where you needed to go from Clock Town (The hub world), to Icana Canyon all the way on the other side of the map, at a very specific time on the in game clock, wit absolutely no indication from the game on what you needed to do. That could lead to almost infinite amounts of experimentation before you find the solution. That is not fun. Period.
And if you have all 23 masks at the end of the game to get the fierce deity mask, you got the 4 trials you STILL gotta go thru to get it. The Goron trial is the most disgusting level of bullshit I ever seen in the history of video games. That is from here on out the most difficult f***ing garbage I ever played in my entire life and nothing about that was rewarding or fun even after I completed it. Pseudo difficulty that ruins a game, and that was essentially the name of the entire game.
On top of that, the game has this extremely empty vibe that I jus don’t like that I never experienced wit any other game. The whole time playing it I felt this overwhelming sense of loneliness and I have no clue why. No game has ever done that but it ruined the game for me even further.
I used to play Majora when I was a jitt and could never figure it out
I died on day 3 every time lol
So I feel ur pain although I love zelda
BOTW is IMO one of if not the best game ever
First 3 castlevanias on nes are badly designed even for the time
4 on snes was the first great castlevania
The original Pokémon games for game boy are the worst Pokémon games (blue & red)
COD WAW was ridiculously overrated
In what way? It brought forward what became possibly the best side mode in any video game ever (zombies)
In what way? It brought forward what became possibly the best side mode in any video game ever (zombies)
It was innovative in that it brought that but other than that the whole game itself wasn’t that good
people that talk s*** about fromsoft games only do so cause they suck at them
on god
Is it?
My friend since high school has been following the game pretty much since it was announced (since we were in like High school LOL) and he still swears it's coming along.
He's got the game and everything. Seems like it IS coming a long, but super slowly. From what my friend describes, it's a game that will set new precedents and they apparently even developed new technologies for the game. He swears it's gonna be like an all in one sandbox story shooter adventure PvP game.
But it sounds way too ambitious to be true.
It honestly sounds like a game I'd want to play in its final stages, but apparently it's not even half way done.
It’s a game that’s been in alpha for almost 10 years with no clear release date and has $300+ millions of donations in crowdfunding. It’s a scam.
I’m curious why is this
I still have yet to play the first one, everyone told me how amazing the second one was so I tried it out since it was a prequel and I absolutely loved the story
I do plan on playing the first one soon to catch up so no spoilers please lol
Games by Eastern developers are fun and provide a palette cleanser to the whole "Realistic, gritty movie" style Western games pointed out earlier ITT but they somewhat get a pass from critics and gamers for their presentation. Been playing Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 and I don't understand why certain lines are performed by voice actors and others are just text. They also have different types of cutscenes - a high end realistic looking one in Yakuza/the anime tier s*** in Persona 5, then there's worse looking ones, then just pure gameplay without any transition. I don't get why they didn't just aim for consistency instead. Played Persona 5 last night and these guys beat Ryuji up - instead of actually showing that, they just skipped ahead. And when they left, instead of having a 4 second scene of them walking away, it just skipped ahead again to after they left Bloodborne also has a janky framerate that I feel like would've gotten butchered in reviews if it was in a Western game. And none of those games have particularly good graphics, which Western games get shat on for.
halo 1 > halo 2 by far
Halo 2 multiplayer > Halo 1 Campaign > Halo 2 campaign.
Halo 2 multiplayer > Halo 1 Campaign > Halo 2 campaign.
Halo 2 campaign bugs/Easter eggs still unmatched tho
Halo 2 multiplayer > Halo 1 Campaign > Halo 2 campaign.
maybe but i never really cared about multiplayer after 1, was talking about the campaign
Your real one for this. RED 1 is more fun to play but everything else about the second one is better
Modern Warfare is a top 3 COD(I didn’t play COD4 or WaW)
Zombies was boring as s***
Battle Royals to <<<<<<<. Could never get into Fortnite/Apex/Warzone
RDR2 felt like a job
Arkham Origins > Arkham Knight
Castle Wars on Runescape one of the most enjoyable mini games ever