Horizon zero dawn is probably the most boring game i’ve ever played
Nier automata is mid
Saints row 3 > Saints row 2
Nier Automata overrated
Counter Strike the best competitive game and always will be.
Consoles and majority of games have sucked after N64/PS2 era.
Most games now are just the same recycled s*** we've already played.
Resident Evil 5 underrated.
GTA Vice City was the most memorable.
Command and Conquer series was the s***.
Real for resident evil 5
Counter Strike the best competitive game and always will be.
Consoles and majority of games have sucked after N64/PS2 era.
Most games now are just the same recycled s*** we've already played.
Resident Evil 5 underrated.
GTA Vice City was the most memorable.
Command and Conquer series was the s***.
and overwatch will always be the worst competitive game
and overwatch will always be the worst competitive game
That and Fortnite take that.
It blows my mind that games that are so run and gun and rng can be a competitive esport
Nier Automata overrated
Nier would have been so much better without the Route B bullshit
That and Fortnite take that.
It blows my mind that games that are so run and gun and rng can be a competitive esport
i dont even think the devs want fortnite to be a competitive game its just the fan base
overwatch on the other just got some of the dumbest f***ing game developers on the planet, they need to do a complete overhaul of every hero to make that s*** half decent.
From software sucks
their sequels are bad. their original games are the best. kings field, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne & sekiro
Spiderman ps4 is boring
after like an hour I quit, I was bored out of my mind
after like an hour I quit, I was bored out of my mind
Hol I , y'all didn't love the Arkham games?
Borderlands' writing is annoying
Facts, s*** is so corny
Sounds like it was written by an edgy 14 year old who makes poop jokes every opportunity they get
Facts, s*** is so corny
Sounds like it was written by an edgy 14 year old who makes poop jokes every opportunity they get
And the fact that every joke has to be rubbed in your face for 5 minutes lol, "THIS WAS A POOP JOKE AHAH YOU GET IT ? POOP !!! POOP POOP DID YOU KNOW IT WAS POOP ?" there's legit a moment in 2 where a guy says almost word for word this.. I hate it especially since I love everything else about thèse games
Persona 5 is some mid the gameplay is repetitive, the story is too long and its scared to take risk with the characters. it's crazy to me how that game has such high scores. I hope royale edition is better tho
Horizon zero dawn is probably the most boring game i’ve ever played
Nier automata is mid
Saints row 3 > Saints row 2
Did you burn yourself a lot as a child?
Counter Strike the best competitive game and always will be.
Consoles and majority of games have sucked after N64/PS2 era.
Most games now are just the same recycled s*** we've already played.
Resident Evil 5 underrated.
GTA Vice City was the most memorable.
Command and Conquer series was the s***.
Re5 only good for co-op(but I agree with everything else)
Spiderman ps4 is boring
Easily one of the most overrated games I've played. I think people just hyped the hell out of it cause it wasn't a piece of s*** like most spiderman games. The ending fight was cool, but after I beat it I was done. There was nothing else worth doing.
Platformers are trash and just aim to capitalize on your nostalgia for retro games.
KTT1 had this and the thread was lit. Haven’t seen a new one on here so if there is then lock this and bump it but otherwise this the new one.
I’ll start:
Majora’s Mask is a bad game and is by far the worst Zelda ever made.
I didn’t play it til the 3DS remake about 6 months ago so my opinion is even fresher. S*** is absolute GARBAGE if I didn’t have a strategy guide for it. And you can say I suck, need to “gitgud”, don’t give a s***. One of the top 3 things I hate in video games is time trials. Entire campaign is based on a time trial. Enough said. So that alone made me not want to play trial and error thru God knows how many attempts before I got it right, so I used a strategy guide from the jump. Beyond that, even using the strategy guide, I’m sitting there thinking “How does anybody naturally figure any of this out?”
I’m not even saying games need to hold your hand, but there was one point on a side quest where you needed to go from Clock Town (The hub world), to Icana Canyon all the way on the other side of the map, at a very specific time on the in game clock, wit absolutely no indication from the game on what you needed to do. That could lead to almost infinite amounts of experimentation before you find the solution. That is not fun. Period.
And if you have all 23 masks at the end of the game to get the fierce deity mask, you got the 4 trials you STILL gotta go thru to get it. The Goron trial is the most disgusting level of bullshit I ever seen in the history of video games. That is from here on out the most difficult f***ing garbage I ever played in my entire life and nothing about that was rewarding or fun even after I completed it. Pseudo difficulty that ruins a game, and that was essentially the name of the entire game.
On top of that, the game has this extremely empty vibe that I jus don’t like that I never experienced wit any other game. The whole time playing it I felt this overwhelming sense of loneliness and I have no clue why. No game has ever done that but it ruined the game for me even further.
A lot of s*** in Zelda is super unintuitive, I remember some solutions in TP made me think how I was supposed to find this out without a guide