Platformers are trash and just aim to capitalize on your nostalgia for retro games.
Celeste out now
Super Mario 64 is the worst 3D platformer Mario game
I absolutely love the game, but comparing it to the others, it comes in last place for me
The reason people think it’s the best is nostalgia..... and well they probably only played this one and that’s it
it's just too dated, it never feels as responsive as any of the other 3d marios
Hol I , y'all didn't love the Arkham games?
arkham was way better than spiderman
the combat is very similar but somehow it felt off to me
and then theres the setting and gloomy vibe of arkham games that give you a more mature experience
Celeste is just a dumb downed, less fun version of Super Meat Boy
trash comparison, how are the mechanics similar
Persona 5 is some mid the gameplay is repetitive, the story is too long and its scared to take risk with the characters. it's crazy to me how that game has such high scores. I hope royale edition is better tho
they like it because its a daily life sim
the combat gameplay is straight boring
only thing that i liked about the game was the tokyo setting, its very similar to real tokyo and the really managed to capture that in the game
but ill take something like dq11 over p5 any day
it's just too dated, it never feels as responsive as any of the other 3d marios
And every Mario platformer after 64 still holds up well
Sunshine and Galaxy 1 and 2 hold up incredibly well
64...... not too much lol
“Majoras Mask is a bad game”
What a s*** take OP has...
Imagine actually hating on Majoras Mask... and only playing the REMAKE
Mans never even played the N64 original release and he thinks his opinion matters
Almost all Final Fantasy games that I've played are gibberish, corny & boring trash with most of the more modern ones I haven't played look unappealing, especially the characters.
Only titles worth anything from what I've played are Tactics, FF6 & Crisis Core. The other titles I played to some degree: FF12, 10, 15, 13 are trash while FF3 Remake & Dissidia 012 are ok.
I am interested in playing the FF7 Remake tho, especially since Crisis Core is the prequel & its one of the few I genuinely enjoy. And while I never played it, FF9 always looked interesting to me.
Awesome enemy designs for the most part tho.
PS4 is a top 3 system for me so far due to its library of games ive really enjoyed. Amazing console life if you werent duped, excited or didn't care for most "life service" cons & Amazing for single player gamers like myself.
360/PS3 gen is overrated & one of the worse ageing console gens probably next to the PS1/N64 era, especially the first half of the 360/PS3 era.
OG Xbox is very underrated nowadays for little to no reason, for some reason.
It had more than Halo, Fable & Forza as exclusives lol. It actually had a s***ton of exclusives.
Amazing ones too.
Grand Theft Auto V single player & Open World is just OK
Never played the online part outside of it's year 1, but I can see that part being amazing with where it is now.
Grand Theft Auto V single player & Open World is just OK
Never played the online part outside of it's year 1, but I can see that part being amazing with where it is now.
Yo go back to your iconic dog avi
Yo go back to your iconic dog avi
Lmao ive been planning on it, I just barely been on here lately the past few weeks
Eventually tho
Eso is the best mmo
been wanting to play it for years but need a better pc