Oblivion the real deal
Naw Oblivion is honestly one of the most boring games I’ve played in my life. Boring ass game play and world. Terrible dialogue and story. Lame and Cliche designs. And one of the worst lvl systems EVER.
Naw Oblivion is honestly one of the most boring games I’ve played in my life. Boring ass game play and world. Terrible dialogue and story. Lame and Cliche designs. And one of the worst lvl systems EVER.
Final Fantasy 13 is the best Final Fantasy. Real ones know.
Naw but to me it had the best music
I’m sorry I tried to play and like this SEVERAL times. This is not a game for me. Weirdly tho I love Skyrim. S*** was too fun
Nintendo is the Supreme of gaming, providing s*** that's hot but really is just s*** to pass the time and barely has any appeal in the long run of gaming.
I’m sorry I tried to play and like this SEVERAL times. This is not a game for me. Weirdly tho I love Skyrim. S*** was too fun
Other way round for me, Skyrim was literally the most boring TES ever, the quests were terrible compared to Oblivion
All Sony exclusives play exactly the same and don't know what multiplayer is so they buy exclusivity to pretend they won, sus console.
I’m sorry I tried to play and like this SEVERAL times. This is not a game for me. Weirdly tho I love Skyrim. S*** was too fun
i think oblivion one of those games that's good if you played it at the time, but a lot of people who started with skyrim may not like moving backwards to oblivion. Yeah a lot of the s*** is graphically bad and doesn't look the best, but you gotta put into context the date when the game came out.
Xbox is a console trying to make good and long lasting games, at the expense of past tragedies from failed marketing.
Best console to play with homies
Most Switch games are disappointing
That's not a hot take, its fact. All of them are garbage
Other way round for me, Skyrim was literally the most boring TES ever, the quests were terrible compared to Oblivion
love skyrim modding though. Completely brings the game another live. Me personally I like the vanilla quests (main questline super underwhelming though)
i think oblivion one of those games that's good if you played it at the time, but a lot of people who started with skyrim may not like moving backwards to oblivion. Yeah a lot of the s*** is graphically bad and doesn't look the best, but you gotta put into context the date when the game came out.
Naw bro I played it in 2007. Got it for Christmas. Was one of my biggest regrets cause i was asking for it all year since everyone was hyping it up. I played Skyrim on a fluke.
Horizon zero dawn is probably the most boring game i’ve ever played
Nier automata is mid
Saints row 3 > Saints row 2
I feel you Horizon is all round boring af. Playing Neir rn and I kinda got that feeling but imma push on it’s only been 2 hrs lol
Naw bro I played it in 2007. Got it for Christmas. Was one of my biggest regrets cause i was asking for it all year since everyone was hyping it up. I played Skyrim on a fluke.
daaang I mean s*** be like that sometimes. I prefer skyrim over oblivion as well, but I don't think oblivion is trash or anything. Mod's swayed my vote immensely though
huh?? like what?
Nintendo riding high off their incredible brand image to have people actually believe they are good when the switch is their pride kicking in from a failed wii u project and the games are some booty cheeks brother.
F***ing failure. Goty? Bugging, Nintendo would never