Cyberpunk will be really good but it won't be better than Witcher 3
TLOU Part 2 will be GOTY 2020
Fallout 4 is one of the best games
real af
If you think R6: Siege, Fortnite, Modern Warfare, Apex, League of Legends etc. are ALL trash then you’re a dork.
I don’t trust someone who doesn’t at least rock one popular multiplayer game.
PT was the best thing to happen this console generation.
Pokemon is for the worst of the uncritical masses.
I’ve never had a problem with
micro transactions.
This generation was probably the worst in a long time.
Battlefield 4 is the greatest FPS game of all time
Ok dis fax
Having a 4 or 5 man squad on Operation Locker Conquest Large, running up 70-80 kills a game each
I can’t even lie, i love witcher lore & the story of TW3 but the game was so damn boring. Too many fetch quests & unbelievable amounts of boring dialogue. i guess RPG’s just bore the hell out of me most of the time
Final fantasy x is the start of the downfall for the series.
Trash characters, multiple unnecessarily confusing plot points, and linear exploration yet people will slam xiii for the same thing
I can’t play open world games anymore they are boring as hell to me. Give me a story keep it simple I shouldn’t be spending hours traveling across a map to find an item. Part of the reason why I won’t play horizon, Witcher, BotW, etc. Too much petty s*** to do in games like that that don’t lead to anything worthwhile
Final fantasy x is the start of the downfall for the series.
Trash characters, multiple unnecessarily confusing plot points, and linear exploration yet people will slam xiii for the same thing
I enjoyed both X & XIII
Final fantasy x is the start of the downfall for the series.
Trash characters, multiple unnecessarily confusing plot points, and linear exploration yet people will slam xiii for the same thing
PS4 is objectively better than the PS2 which despite having a great library is only ever rated above the PS4 for nostalgia reasons
in fact no console in history even approaches what the PS4 has
-The last of us overrated as s***
The sneaking past zombie s*** is the most boring s*** in my life but muh epic plot
-Devil may cry overrated as s***
Sik characters and atmosphere but just a button masher simulator with cool combos!
-ubisoft games overrated as s***
Origins and odyssey are not assassins creed games they should have been some new IP also all ubisoft games are just copycats of popular games and they make same game over and over (far cry, watch dogs)