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  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Teal be giving mans more energy than actual bad ppl on this site, I’m praying for you at church dawg

    No MF way that’s teal

  • Nov 12, 2023

    No MF way that’s teal

    Only like 3 mfs that got banned that would get aggravated over me telling an abuse sympathizer they moms shoulda swallowed em.

    I should have a fanclub at this point smh

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    The career crybaby @ it again

    You made 2-3 different accounts in like 2 days

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    You made 2-3 different accounts in like 2 days

    The fact that you keep saying that like its a burn(lol) & trying to bait me over here but stfu over there is actually hilarious.

    You two hoes enjoy the 69 lol

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Problem arguing with xenophobes is that I could lay out every thing they previously didn’t know about the Zionist project and Israel and it would only make them like Israel more because they are one in the same , Israeli society is just unbelievably more racist than ours which is just mind boggling how that’s even possible

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Problem arguing with xenophobes is that I could lay out every thing they previously didn’t know about the Zionist project and Israel and it would only make them like Israel more because they are one in the same , Israeli society is just unbelievably more racist than ours which is just mind boggling how that’s even possible

    This is why we can’t apply innocence upon the settlers as a precondition for this conflict

  • Nov 12, 2023

    The fact that you keep saying that like its a burn(lol) & trying to bait me over here but stfu over there is actually hilarious.

    You two hoes enjoy the 69 lol

    “You two hoes enjoy the 69 lol” are you 16

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Israeli and Jewish voices are the strongest in opposition to this genocide as they often are the best at standing against atrocities. Also I know I Israeli girl who is just wildly racist , months before oct she’s like posting hitler ss soldiers and complaining she can’t hang her apartheid South African flag in Israel without backlash

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Teal be giving mans more energy than actual bad ppl on this site, I’m praying for you at church dawg

    Wait there’s a teal alt in here lol?

  • Nov 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Israeli and Jewish voices are the strongest in opposition to this genocide as they often are the best at standing against atrocities. Also I know I Israeli girl who is just wildly racist , months before oct she’s like posting hitler ss soldiers and complaining she can’t hang her apartheid South African flag in Israel without backlash

    and thats your homie?

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Teal be giving mans more energy than actual bad ppl on this site, I’m praying for you at church dawg

    I'm crying at there being multiple accounts suspected to be Teal alts rn 😭

    That's not Teal, that's World's new account after getting his OG banned for derailing this thread a few weeks ago

  • Sponge hale osteen

    and thats your homie?

    Not at all

  • Sponge hale osteen

    and thats your homie?

    She also was angry that Canada was putting out ads about accepting refuggees her military created . Like what the f*** does this b**** want ? For them to sit there and get their heads exploded? You can’t win with these people

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Why is zionism white-supremacy and not something they believe in from their book (Talmud)?

    Most zionists are atheist. So i doubt they ever read the (racist ideologies discussed in the) Talmud. And if they read the Torah they would see their beliefs contradict that.

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    The Torah directly opposes (land)theft and killing of innocents (the 10 commandments) so that’s why orthodox religious jews, who abide solely by the Torah, stand solidarily with Palestine.

  • be2ye

    The Torah directly opposes (land)theft and killing of innocents (the 10 commandments) so that’s why orthodox religious jews, who abide solely by the Torah, stand solidarily with Palestine.

    Also they are angry that Israel is trying bring about the rapture themselves they believe god has to do it to fulfill the prophecy

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Most zionists are atheist. So i doubt they ever read the (racist ideologies discussed in the) Talmud. And if they read the Torah they would see their beliefs contradict that.

    Are they? I mean the amount of zionists jews ive seen on twitter cheering this s*** on is wild. Most israelis support whats going on

  • Nov 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Are they? I mean the amount of zionists jews ive seen on twitter cheering this s*** on is wild. Most israelis support whats going on

    Most Jewish people identify as atheist/secular if i’m not mistaken. That’s why zionism changed the definition of being Jewish to that of a “nation” or ancestry/ethnicity.

    There are ofcourse those that are religious or conservative and hold themselves to be superior as God’s chosen people and therefore the heavenly laws shouldn’t apply the same to gentiles (not something found in the Torah). But then they still differentiate between colored/ethnic jews and european jews. They clearly color differentiate which is an anti-historical mark since judaism literally originated from a semitic (brown) people.

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Most Jewish people identify as atheist/secular if i’m not mistaken. That’s why zionism changed the definition of being Jewish to that of a “nation” or ancestry/ethnicity.

    There are ofcourse those that are religious or conservative and hold themselves to be superior as God’s chosen people and therefore the heavenly laws shouldn’t apply the same to gentiles (not something found in the Torah). But then they still differentiate between colored/ethnic jews and european jews. They clearly color differentiate which is an anti-historical mark since judaism literally originated from a semitic (brown) people.

    Great post

  • Nov 12, 2023
    3 replies

  • Nov 12, 2023

    Most Jewish people identify as atheist/secular if i’m not mistaken. That’s why zionism changed the definition of being Jewish to that of a “nation” or ancestry/ethnicity.

    There are ofcourse those that are religious or conservative and hold themselves to be superior as God’s chosen people and therefore the heavenly laws shouldn’t apply the same to gentiles (not something found in the Torah). But then they still differentiate between colored/ethnic jews and european jews. They clearly color differentiate which is an anti-historical mark since judaism literally originated from a semitic (brown) people.

  • Nov 12, 2023
    4 replies

    Why is zionism white-supremacy and not something they believe in from their book (Talmud)?

    Because the religious aspect is just an ideological justification, it was always fundamentally a European colonial project from the movement's inception.

    Besides Palestine, they considered Argentina, Madagascar and Uganda as well, all countries in the global south. Why didn't they consider any western countries? Because it was colonial and white supremacist from the very beginning. And actually fascist as well.

    The leader of "Revisionist Zionism":

  • Nov 12, 2023

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