Do the people that use it in 2021 know about Lil B?
Why did this s*** come back and did Lil B create this word in 09 or does it go deeper than that? Is this s*** a Bay area word?
I just get confused af whenever I see or hear it bc I remember
Lil B saying it a decade ago and no one was saying it..then all of a sudden people are saying that s*** (mostly jits) in 2021
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
But no it turned into like a reddit thing and a conservative thing for some reason s*** is really weird
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
that's what I'm saying why now
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
New Tyler stans are old Lil B stans
They just tryin hard to be different, quirky and unique
But no it turned into like a reddit thing and a conservative thing for some reason s*** is really weird
and now the left have reclaimed it too
we’re just back to everyone using it now
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
New Tyler stans are old Lil B stans
They just tryin hard to be different, quirky and unique
But no it turned into like a reddit thing and a conservative thing for some reason s*** is really weird
weird af bc no one really ever cared about Lil B like that so it's strange as hell to me that the word he's most known for creating is popular now out of no where
I think it just got popular on twitter because of how prevalent lil b was on twitter for a long time
Nobody care or know about lil b in 2021. I’d stand on the tallest building in the bay and yell f*** lil b and nobody would do s***
This but in E-40
E-40 trash and none of you smoke shop employees are gonna touch me
New Tyler stans are old Lil B stans
They just tryin hard to be different, quirky and unique
He just wants us to quote his avi at this point
If "new tyler fans" are 16-20 now, they would've been 5-9 years old when blue flame came out