pretty boys with no confident ain't getting any play with the three main ingredients statement above, and yes this thread is related to me and my paranoid ass.
and in terms of aura i ain't talking about future tru ks when he murked king cold, although that was slick asf
All about being Welsh to me...
True. don’t make dbz references either
DBZ is about as integrated into pop culture as Tarantino movies at this stage
Bro delete that pic b4 it's too late
i got multiple pics of me on KTT
personally, idgaf
live and let live
I mean yeah you're kinda right. P**** isn't just gonna fall out the sky into your lap even if your pretty. Sometimes girls will throw it at you I suppose but you still gotta know how to pick up cues and make s*** happen.
Tbh you look like you listen to Owl City and Bring Me The Horizon.
owl city lol
Tbh you look like you listen to Owl City and Bring Me The Horizon.
you wanna see my SD card b
im a pmf
looks like that
I mean yeah you're kinda right. P**** isn't just gonna fall out the sky into your lap even if your pretty. Sometimes girls will throw it at you I suppose but you still gotta know how to pick up cues and make s*** happen.
I’d also argue that having good social skills is essential too, cuz without it you’re gonna have a hard time unless you’re like an Adonis