  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply

    DBZ is about as integrated into pop culture as Tarantino movies at this stage

    Not quite... For nerdy millenials maybe

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Pusha P

    Not quite... For nerdy millenials maybe

    You'd be surpised how often an average cat hasn't seen Pulp Fiction, but can recognise Goku or Vegeta.

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply

    You'd be surpised how often an average cat hasn't seen Pulp Fiction, but can recognise Goku or Vegeta.

    As I read that I remembered I met someone in like the last 2 weeks that never seen Pulp Fiction, n they were older than me

    S*** had me like

  • Jun 14, 2022
    2 replies
    Pusha P

    As I read that I remembered I met someone in like the last 2 weeks that never seen Pulp Fiction, n they were older than me

    S*** had me like

    Mentioned it to my friend back in highschool they said “oh yeah Will Ferrell’s life is a book” nah bruh thats Stranger Than Fiction

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Warren Peace

    I feel you @op I’m in the exact same situation. I’m still a virgin but thankfully at that point where I don’t wanna kill myself over it anymore lol

    I had a boost in confidence this year though and recently realized I’m actually not a bad-looking dude. It’s just my lack of experience making me hella insecure. I can’t wait til I get a new whip though so I can start approaching the hoes again and taking them out

    @op if things change and you start to get some p****, come back to the thread and let us know. i love seeing my fellow squares come into their own

    Not trying to be a d*** but referring to women as hoes when you've admittedly never f***ed one comes off kinda...idk lame. Lol forget about the new whip for now, focus on looking at women as ppl first. My 2 cents, even though you didnt ask.

  • Jun 14, 2022

    Mentioned it to my friend back in highschool they said “oh yeah Will Ferrell’s life is a book” nah bruh thats Stranger Than Fiction

    how do they know Stranger than fiction but nut Pulp fiction

  • not game

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply

    All about being Welsh to me...

    What's it about for me?

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    What's it about for me?

    Intellect and how in tune she is with the oceans...

  • Jun 14, 2022

    Intellect and how in tune she is with the oceans...

    I fw that

  • Jun 15, 2022

    You say this but you are lonely every night

    you ain't have to do him like this.

  • Jun 15, 2022

    Getting p**** is all down to being able to control your environment as close as possible

  • Jun 15, 2022

    Mentioned it to my friend back in highschool they said “oh yeah Will Ferrell’s life is a book” nah bruh thats Stranger Than Fiction


  • Jun 15, 2022
    2 replies
    Handsome Bachelor

    Not trying to be a d*** but referring to women as hoes when you've admittedly never f***ed one comes off kinda...idk lame. Lol forget about the new whip for now, focus on looking at women as ppl first. My 2 cents, even though you didnt ask.

    lol what makes you think I don’t view women as people? I wasn’t being literal or trying to demean them by calling them hoes. I don’t even think being a hoe in itself is a bad thing nor is it limited to women lol it’s just an expression.

    most people itt were being condescending towards @op due to his struggles with women and I was giving him encouragement. I don’t see how me being a virgin makes me lamer than any other mf who speaks that way. but if that’s your perspective…

    for now though, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and focus on crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s instead of letting my sexual desires cloud my mental state. it works out well for me

  • Jun 15, 2022
    2 replies
    Warren Peace

    lol what makes you think I don’t view women as people? I wasn’t being literal or trying to demean them by calling them hoes. I don’t even think being a hoe in itself is a bad thing nor is it limited to women lol it’s just an expression.

    most people itt were being condescending towards @op due to his struggles with women and I was giving him encouragement. I don’t see how me being a virgin makes me lamer than any other mf who speaks that way. but if that’s your perspective…

    for now though, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and focus on crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s instead of letting my sexual desires cloud my mental state. it works out well for me

    tell 'em man we'll get there one day

  • Jun 15, 2022
    1 reply
    Warren Peace

    lol what makes you think I don’t view women as people? I wasn’t being literal or trying to demean them by calling them hoes. I don’t even think being a hoe in itself is a bad thing nor is it limited to women lol it’s just an expression.

    most people itt were being condescending towards @op due to his struggles with women and I was giving him encouragement. I don’t see how me being a virgin makes me lamer than any other mf who speaks that way. but if that’s your perspective…

    for now though, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and focus on crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s instead of letting my sexual desires cloud my mental state. it works out well for me

    Fair enough. I got an issue in general with guys who call women b****es and hoes though so it wasn't personal. Also not once did I say being a virgin makes you lame. I have absolutely no idea how you treat women so that statement was probably out of line though. Like I said wasnt trying to be a d*** bro. Hope everything works out for you man I'm rooting for ya 👊

  • Jun 15, 2022

    DBZ is about as integrated into pop culture as Tarantino movies at this stage

    more than tarantino

  • Jun 15, 2022

    tell 'em man we'll get there one day

    No one said you guys wouldn't get there man, just thought calling women hoes came off a bit distasteful is all. Its does lol even though most guys use it as an expression. Probably because I dont do it i think that lol. Idk maybe I'm the lame one. Also being a virgin doesn't make one damn bit of difference to who you are as a man btw. Keep your head up and just put yourself out there. What you stated in the op is right for the most part admittedly. But you gotta also realize it's a huge numbers game for most of us average guys. I'm in a bit of a slump my damn self (by choice) S*** can be frustrating sometimes. Get on Tinder and put some appealing pics of you in nice clothes and engaging in some fun activities if you haven't yet. Rack up some matches and start hitting them up. Place to start at least. Good luck guys.

  • Jun 15, 2022

    tell 'em man we'll get there one day

  • Jun 15, 2022
    Handsome Bachelor

    Fair enough. I got an issue in general with guys who call women b****es and hoes though so it wasn't personal. Also not once did I say being a virgin makes you lame. I have absolutely no idea how you treat women so that statement was probably out of line though. Like I said wasnt trying to be a d*** bro. Hope everything works out for you man I'm rooting for ya 👊

    When you first replied to me, you didn’t say calling women hoes is lame. you said calling women hoes when you’ve never f***ed one is lame. there’s a difference. the word choice implied that my lack of sexual experience means I should be held to different standards in the way I talk about women, which is what I disagreed with

    But since you’ve clarified, I get where you’re coming from now though. I also used to think it was lame and disrespectful to refer to women that way. But then I saw those same dudes I used to lecture about their casual misogyny receive more attention and have way more functional relationships with women than I’ve ever had, so it’s like “wtf do I know?” 😂

    women are also regularly disrespected in popular music but majority of women will happily consume that on a regular basis and support the male artists who perpetuate it, so it kinda all seems like a non-issue to me at this point if we’re talking casual convo

    A man directly calling a woman a b**** or a hoe to her face though… different situation and total a****** move

  • Jun 15, 2022

    All you need is confidence and at least a week worth of game

  • Jun 15, 2022

    It's all about luck and finding someone that is interested in you actually
    Cause all that game s*** wears down after a while
    But just like Pitbull said the more I worked the luckier I got so you have to better yourself first in order to attract the attention of more girls

  • no dice for me
