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  • Jun 10, 2023

    The decisions people make for themselves are rarely a reflection of you sir. If you were good to her, you won’t be forgotten. This is real life. Your ex still gotta wake up to her own problems. that new shiny relationship won’t make her happy forever lol. Trust me. You will be fine.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!

    You are f***ing weird

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Gonna make the dude wanna kill himself

  • Beautiful Morning

    You are f***ing weird

    To be fair if I read that it would help me accept she is gone

  • Jun 10, 2023

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Baby Gronk and Livvy not gonna last 6 months. Keep your head up, Drip King

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Her Loss

  • Why would anyone want to break up with you you’re like the nicest guy on ktt2

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!

    I get it’s all for laughs and s*** but I’ll never understand these type of posts in breakup threads

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 10, 2023

    She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!

    what in the world is going on

  • tripsix 🐍
    Jun 10, 2023

  • Jun 10, 2023

    I get it’s all for laughs and s*** but I’ll never understand these type of posts in breakup threads

    Tough love. He needs to hear it and break out of the trance. I was in the same situation as him when I was 18 or so. I was missing the girl....little did I know she already had a dude lined up the day we broke up! While I was moping around sad, she was getting f***ed doggystyle already! That's when I realized that simping and grieving are wasted time! I regret being sad for that long over a girl when she passed the baton directly to another cock!

  • Jun 10, 2023

    beat off so much u never need a woman again

  • Jun 10, 2023

    She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!


  • Jun 10, 2023

    Honest advice: the mind is the most treacherous thing ever. Try to put your brain on yourself and any other things that can help you. Sports, hobbies, going out, whatever makes you feel youre investing in yourself.

  • Jun 10, 2023


  • Jun 10, 2023

    It’s a million other girls out here, don’t stress time will heal all wounds

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Time to get into d**** if you haven't already

    I’d relapse forsure

  • Jun 10, 2023

    I’d relapse forsure

    this relapse highs are always crazy tho

  • mishima 😈
    Jun 10, 2023

    I hear you, brother. The game is a ruthless, lawless one.

    It’s extremely cliche to say, but you have to let time do its thing. You have to shed the old version of yourself, your old beliefs about her and your relationship and grow through it like a snake sheds its skin. You were capable of being happy before her and you are capable of being happy after.

  • Jun 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Pics of the other guy?

  • mishima 😈
    Jun 10, 2023

    Pics of the other guy?

    This is wild.

  • Jun 10, 2023

    Sorry man, keep your head up

  • Jun 10, 2023
    math fifty