She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!
I wouldn’t even recommend this, lotta niggas be forcing that savage lifestyle
Psychologically it ain’t good for that woman to make him ejaculate again (tmi but deadass)
Lmaoo but real s***
Listen to Larry June and drake and run your bag up.
The game wide open if you step up
She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!
The same thing happened to me bro . I would say try to hang in there , because almost a year after she broke up with me I was laying down next to her and she let me drink her milk . And I aint eem opennat fridge u feel me . now granted I didn’t find out she had moved on and had a boyfriend at that time until more than a month after that happened , but i think it’s equally possible that she’s gonna cut me off romantically for good , or either if I play my cards right I can maybe get her back .
If that’s what you want is to get her back , do everything you can to make that happen , which is going to involve a lot of push ups , crunches , and some well timed double texts as well as an instance or two where you leave her on read to create an optical illusion of sorts . What’s more important is that you are able to bounce back from this s*** mentally and not let it break you , because there are gonna be those moments where it feels like that’s what’s happening to u . Hey man I know u don’t know me but I love you and I am on your side my brother 💯
She's getting C***FUCKED out here while you shedding tears. Her whole hole is loose and all stretched out while you contemplating about her return. She is prolly laughing about you while f***ing him, they are thinking about sending you nude pics or accidental phonecalls during s***to taunt you, she is probably getting turned on by him talking about how small your cock was!!!! So forget her and move on!!!!!
crazy post but you need to hear this when you in a crisis nfs
Be happy for her that she’s now having the time of her life
It’s better this way
Your reaction to her leaving you is what will keep girls always leaving you. Be indifferent and women will come to you
@op you need to become Michael Jordan idk what your passion is but you gotta take over the world
We all been there tho @op - u aint vlone. Like others suggest, try not to look back on the past of what you coulda done etc... Instead focus on what you learned from it for your next relation, but woman gonna always be there, so work on being the prize so you start setting boundaires and requirments for these b****es then you can hand pick the shawties u want. We let these females slide way to much for some dumb shi, especially the joints who don't provide no genuine value besides mediocore p****.
Real shi...
use this as motivation and flex on her when life going your way // f*** her and her fam bam
Listen to Larry June and drake and run your bag up.
The game wide open if you step up
imagine your girl getting 'cuntfucked' and all typa fantasies written about her and ure in there listening to Larry goddamn June
imagine your girl getting 'cuntfucked' and all typa fantasies written about her and ure in there listening to Larry goddamn June
Lol she’s not your girl though. Someone else’s problem