  • Feb 13, 2020

    sausage avi's been posting dumb religious s*** since ktt1

  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies

    So apparently the story goes:

    She was on ig live. A Muslim boy asked her out in the comments. She said no because she’s gay. Then that’s when he called her a dirty lesbian.

    Now she coulda just blocked him or removed him, and he’s def an intolerant a****** for that, but saying

    “The Koran is hateful… Islam is s***… Your religion is s***… I’d stick a finger up your god’s arsehole’“ (I’m sure there’s more)

    Is OVERKILL to me.

  • Feb 13, 2020

    instagram is so cancerous

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    its not just this school girl, its whole communities attacking muslims and if everyone shuts up about it it could go towards genocide real quick

    i could make a video on how all white people are pedos or how all black people are criminals and if the media gave me the same podium as they give to islamophobes id probably get a few death threats too. the fact that you choose to focus on this just because its islam related shows that you did the right thing by leaving because you are the problem

    i could make a video on how all white people are pedos or how all black people are criminals

    IDK how you thought this was a good post

  • Feb 13, 2020

    guys relax
    go back to talking about drake stimulus i feel safer that way

  • Feb 13, 2020

    i could make a video on how all white people are pedos or how all black people are criminals

    IDK how you thought this was a good post

    whats wrong with what i said

  • Feb 13, 2020
  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies

    So apparently the story goes:

    She was on ig live. A Muslim boy asked her out in the comments. She said no because she’s gay. Then that’s when he called her a dirty lesbian.

    Now she coulda just blocked him or removed him, and he’s def an intolerant a****** for that, but saying

    “The Koran is hateful… Islam is s***… Your religion is s***… I’d stick a finger up your god’s arsehole’“ (I’m sure there’s more)

    Is OVERKILL to me.

    So he can attack her ideologies but she can’t attack his. Got it

  • Feb 13, 2020

    So he can attack her ideologies but she can’t attack his. Got it

    noone would give a f*** if she made death threats to him

  • Feb 13, 2020

    shouldnt have recieved death threats, shouldnt have said what she said

    if someone said that to my face i wouldnt just accept it, i would also not give deaht threats but i would respond in a way that she wouldnt like

    i feel like theres this line between freedom of speech and empathy which is hard to really get, like what she said was obviously freedom of speech but it hurt people so ?? yea its freedom of speech but why say dumb s*** like that lmao she went a bit too far imo

    people r ok with her saying what she said about the religion bc freedom of speech but imagine if someone said the same about her being gay

    maybe u think those arent the same, but for some people their religion is as important as the gender/sexuality is to other people

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    So he can attack her ideologies but she can’t attack his. Got it

    Being gay is an ideology?

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    why are we defendin her disrespecting other people?

  • Feb 13, 2020

    So apparently the story goes:

    She was on ig live. A Muslim boy asked her out in the comments. She said no because she’s gay. Then that’s when he called her a dirty lesbian.

    Now she coulda just blocked him or removed him, and he’s def an intolerant a****** for that, but saying

    “The Koran is hateful… Islam is s***… Your religion is s***… I’d stick a finger up your god’s arsehole’“ (I’m sure there’s more)

    Is OVERKILL to me.

    thanks for the context, these journalists gotta get new jobs man

    again, her rhetoric is garbage and obviously inflammatory, but these are a bunch of kids. of course she's going to clap back, because the religion teaches these young boys and girls that it's okay to see gay people as sinners and subhuman. ya'll turn the other cheek when Christianity gets bashed to s*** (which is completely fine) for being clearly bigoted, but when Islam is involved it's suddenly a more precarious situation. stop allowing the religion to be filled with more and more conservative waste.

    i've seen some of the wildest insults and s*** posted here from grown adults, and ya'll laugh and clap without hesitation. now ya'll are saying that sticking a finger up Allah's bootyhole is too far? cmon now

  • Feb 13, 2020

    why are we defendin her disrespecting other people?

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Being gay is an ideology?

    Can be

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Can be

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    This is multiculturalism, guys. Where everybody pretends they get along until they don’t

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Super false lmao

    Super fact

  • Feb 13, 2020

    acting like christians don't over react

    The problem is that liberals won’t defend Christians but will defend Muslims every chance they get.

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    acting like christians don't over react

    Private religious schools having stupid rules vs. death threats

    Yeah... somehow this just isn’t adding up

  • Feb 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    This is multiculturalism, guys. Where everybody pretends they get along until they don’t

    it doesnt work because the socio-economical differences are huge between areas where many immigrants live as opposed to white neighborhoods
    its not culture alone its being born and treated as a second class citizen
    if you ever went to france youll know that immigrants and white french get along fine in the poorer towns

  • Feb 14, 2020
    Buckleys Angel

    Private religious schools having stupid rules vs. death threats

    Yeah... somehow this just isn’t adding up

    theres probably death threats at private schools too
    children say it all the time. in class during breaks and yes on instagram too

  • Feb 14, 2020
    1 reply

    It looks like she made a video coming out
    Some Muslim individual(s) called her a dirty w****
    Then she dissed Islam

    Nobodys in the wrong here, the muslim person(s) started it though