This latest entry follows up the explosive showdown of Godzilla vs. Kong with an all-new cinematic adventure, pitting the almighty Kong and the fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence – and our own. The epic new film will delve further into the histories of these Titans, their origins and the mysteries of Skull Island and beyond, while uncovering the mythic battle that helped forge these extraordinary beings and tied them to humankind forever.
Kinda wanna see Liger Zero vs Berserk Fury live action style.
Hit that charged particle beam cannon
From what we know, based on the surface, one would think Kong doesn’t stand a chance. Interesting to see how they go about it. I f*** with Kong heavy
From what we know, based on the surface, one would think Kong doesn’t stand a chance. Interesting to see how they go about it. I f*** with Kong heavy
Kong has the hands but Godzilla just gotta get him in the wrong position and it’s done
Kong has the hands but Godzilla just gotta get him in the wrong position and it’s done
Yeah. Plus Godzilla’s atomic breathe
Yeah. Plus Godzilla’s atomic breathe
we all know they’re just gonna team up to save the world anyway so it’s almost irrelevant.
They’re gonna have a tied match and that’s it
hope it’s been that that king of the monsters trash
Outside of the monster fights it was mid tbh
Hopefully this is more monsters less humans
King of the monsters had enjoyable Kaiju action and forgettable everything else
King of the monsters had enjoyable Kaiju action and forgettable everything else
Yup, I still like it tho Godzilla the s***.
Judging by the synopsis, I hope they fight a new monster and not that eco-terrorist dude from KOTM at the end.
Why they beefing?
Judging by the synopsis, I hope they fight a new monster and not that eco-terrorist dude from KOTM at the end.
At the end of KOTM it seems like they will clone Ghidorah.
At the end of KOTM it seems like they will clone Ghidorah.
That or Mecha Ghidorah
Why they beefing?
There can only be one alpha. They both trying to run s***.
There can only be one alpha. They both trying to run s***.
Men and their egos
Imagine thinking they wont team up to defeat a common threat. The "vs." is just a decoy.
Hopefully this is better than king of the monsters, that s*** was trashhh