These threads normally get huge (I wanna say there was at least 10 of these games on KTT1 and most end up at well over 500 pages). Lots of posting and views. But seeing as it hasn’t happened on KTT2 yet (that I’ve seen), people might be wary to join or play.
Anyways, what I was wondering is if I could offer anything as reward for the winner in order to draw people in for the first edition. This will only happen for the first game ever played, as if it’s successful I’m certain the label game will be played continually, and getting users after the first game is complete is a lot easier when people have seen a game completely play out. Something basic like an emoji on a name for a week or a gif as an avi for a week or a free name change one time or something.
Please let me know, I know this is probably something that needs S approval. Thanks.
sounds cool but haven’t we already had these threads?
Not that I’ve seen man
I’ve seen artist games but no label games that panned out
Both barely had players and flopped
That’s why I want to have a prize for there to be a motive to join, just once cuz I’m sure if we have one successful game it’ll keep going with new hosts and stuff
Ok I found one game that went a bit further but the host and all the judges ended up flopping