  • Spiderman

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Found Witcher 3 pretty boring

  • Apr 21, 2020

    The Last of Us is boring to me 😓

    Did you play the remaster 1st?

  • Apr 21, 2020

    horizon zero dawn
    nier automata

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Horizon zero dawn's combat system was just not fun at all to me. Plus it had the woat premise. "What if we did monster hunter but with robot dinosaurs" Never got the hype.

    The last of us is just so painfully average as a video game and as a story it's a b level zombie movie that would've flopped at the box office

    Totally agree with Horizon Zero, one of the most boring triple a games ever.

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Wouldn't say I hate it but I recently got kingdom hearts final mix and this s*** doesn't tell you where to go at all

    Lol Kingdom Hearts is a mess but that’s why a lot of people including myself love it

  • Apr 21, 2020

    RDR2 and MGSV, replayed the intro mission of MGSV about 3 times cause s*** was amazing to me, after that I always do 1 mission but never bother to get past that point for some reason

  • Red dead 2

    Idk what it was I barely spent an hour on the game and never came back to it, I really can’t say we it just seemed boring af

    Red dead 1 I enjoyed very much

  • Apr 21, 2020
    2 replies
    big stepper renzo

    Bloodborne set the bar way too high for every other game 😔

    Damn been hearing great things about this game but have no idea what it is.

    What exactly did you like about it?

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    witcher 3, bloodborne, RDR2, fallout 4 these games were cool, but i just couldn't vibe with them

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Jedi: Fallen Order

    Dont really care for the Dark Souls-esque gameplay and the story is so standard and safe for a SW game set in-between Episodes III-IV, that I just couldnt get invested in the main character

    More interested to see where they go with a part 2. This game felt like a setup game.

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Totally agree with Horizon Zero, one of the most boring triple a games ever.

    At the moment Its the most overrated game this gen.

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Damn been hearing great things about this game but have no idea what it is.

    What exactly did you like about it?

    Incredible world design
    Very fluid combat system with high skill ceiling
    Interesting story that is told through items and the world, not so in your face
    High replayability


    Horizon zero dawn's combat system was just not fun at all to me. Plus it had the woat premise. "What if we did monster hunter but with robot dinosaurs" Never got the hype.

    The last of us is just so painfully average as a video game and as a story it's a b level zombie movie that would've flopped at the box office

    Facts hzd was so basic the hype was weird. I never made it past second level of tlou that game was not for me but I could see people that are into horror movies digging it I guess

  • PIMP 💿
    Apr 21, 2020

    Witcher 3

    GTA V

  • Apr 21, 2020

    resident evil 2
    halo games
    far cry 5

  • Apr 21, 2020


  • m02stp

    Damn been hearing great things about this game but have no idea what it is.

    What exactly did you like about it?

    Pretty much everything @Warriox said, its pretty damn hard but thats what makes it so rewarding

    Possibly some of the best lore I've ever seen in a video game

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Fallout 1, 3 and 4
    i've tried but... just dont like it

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    witcher 3, bloodborne, RDR2, fallout 4 these games were cool, but i just couldn't vibe with them

    What games do you like?

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Gta 5 definitely

  • Apr 21, 2020

    What games do you like?

    I guess the “basic” stuff like Dmc, kh, FF, Nintendo s*** and mostly all the Sony exclusives besides bloodborne, but surprisingly I really liked sekiro was top 10 last year

  • Apr 21, 2020

    I wish there was a dislike button

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Persona 5, I just can't get into basically doing regular Japanese school s*** and I don't think the combat was all that but I'm not huge on turn based stuff anyway.

    Uncharted 4 felt like a big tech demo more than a game I'm. The gameplay wasn't all that fun imo

    Horizon zero Dawn seemed cool but I just couldn't get into the world and story. I didn't give a s*** what was happening to everyone and stopped playing.

    Kingdom Hearts in general. I think the story is absolute trash and the gameplay is basically idiot proof especially the 3rd one. I remember enjoying the old one as a kid too but I replayed part of the first 2 and s*** was ass

  • Apr 21, 2020

    Every uncharted game. Basically movie games in general because aside from rare examples like the mgs series. Video game writing quaulity has not lived up to making it the focus of the game yet.

    Plus I hated how they nerfed the shooting in uncharted 2 to where you just shoot a guy anywhere three times and he falls down. Whereas at least in uncharted 1 you had several hitboxes and could do headshots or just shoot a guy legs so he's limping around

    Agreed. I've been playing the Uncharted Collection since it's free and I don't see why it's special enough to be considered one of Playstation's premier franchises. The combat mechanics and story are average at best and the platforming isn't challenging at all.