REC2 is leaps and bounds better and picks up right where 1 left off too
Rec 2 was cool with the soldiers and stuff but man Rec 1 was just straight up scary
Rec 2 was cool with the soldiers and stuff but man Rec 1 was just straight up scary
Yeah before I’ve never seen something like that, it was like the type of movie I’ve been wanting to find, all this cam footage and the build up to the reveal of that monster that is a real actor! like oh man what a thrill
I was hoping to catch REC 2 anyway just now on Netflix cause I’m off but ofc as any movies I wanna see they don’t have it or at least anymore
Yeah before I’ve never seen something like that, it was like the type of movie I’ve been wanting to find, all this cam footage and the build up to the reveal of that monster that is a real actor! like oh man what a thrill
I was hoping to catch REC 2 anyway just now on Netflix cause I’m off but ofc as any movies I wanna see they don’t have it or at least anymore
I might have to revisit both films
Same thing happens to me too when I look for a particular movie on Netflix
Did you end up watching the Before trilogy? Forgot I was the first to post on this thread lol
I might have to revisit both films
Same thing happens to me too when I look for a particular movie on Netflix
Did you end up watching the Before trilogy? Forgot I was the first to post on this thread lol
S*** man I had to catch up on a BCS season since so many stuff b I’ll get to it tho you have my word, it’s just a matter how accessible it is I’m not too big on dl rn
S*** man I had to catch up on a BCS season since so many stuff b I’ll get to it tho you have my word, it’s just a matter how accessible it is I’m not too big on dl rn
You won’t be disappointed try to find it in good quality too because the colors and atmosphere of the movies add to the warmth
You won’t be disappointed try to find it in good quality too because the colors and atmosphere of the movies add to the warmth
The pressure yessir
Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, ending of 3 was great.
never seen it tbh
There’s lotta ones that don’t land satisfying like Godfather, Matrix, Dark Knight Rises
First one that comes to mind is Eastrail 177
What is wrong with the dark knight trilogy ?
What is wrong with the dark knight trilogy ?
corny conclusion imo, on the nose, overbloated.. bane fight without music was nice tho
never seen it tbh
Nostalgia might factor in cuz I watched them in theaters as a kid, but I think they hold up well as great action adventure movies.
corny conclusion imo, on the nose, overbloated.. bane fight without music was nice tho
Really? That ending gets me everytime. Probably your personal opinion
Lord of The Rings is objectively the best trilogy tho if we’re being real honest
Really? That ending gets me everytime. Probably your personal opinion
ofc it is, matter of fact every opinion is a personal opinion
my biggest issue, i mean there’s many, it’s just cheesy overall, but when they jump the shark is when they show alfreds dream again and you see selina there and both her and bruce winks back at him or wtv
like having alfred saying he had this vision in the first place and focus on his face when showing it and leave his emotions speak was great enough yknow
Lord of The Rings is objectively the best trilogy tho if we’re being real honest
ofc it is, matter of fact every opinion is a personal opinion
my biggest issue, i mean there’s many, it’s just cheesy overall, but when they jump the shark is when they show alfreds dream again and you see selina there and both her and bruce winks back at him or wtv
like having alfred saying he had this vision in the first place and focus on his face when showing it and leave his emotions speak was great enough yknow
You know what I mean. I'd judge it by how I enjoyed each movie and how much excitement, anticipation I had going into each sequel and that was always at a high. Plus it makes whatever marvel has done so boring and cheesy after experiencing the DK trilogy. Almost felt as if I'm good on superheroe themed movies for a while (replay value is up there to all signs of a good trilogy )
You know what I mean. I'd judge it by how I enjoyed each movie and how much excitement, anticipation I had going into each sequel and that was always at a high. Plus it makes whatever marvel has done so boring and cheesy after experiencing the DK trilogy. Almost felt as if I'm good on superheroe themed movies for a while (replay value is up there to all signs of a good trilogy )
mmm good points
u ever read rdj comments about dark knight when it came out against iron man? dude was full of s***
“The Dark Knight. “My whole thing is that that I saw The Dark Knight. I feel like I’m dumb because I feel like I don’t get how many things that are so smart. It’s like a Ferrari engine of storytelling and script writing and I’m like, ‘That’s not my idea of what I want to see in a movie.’ I loved The Prestige but didn’t understand The Dark Knight. Didn’t get it, still can’t tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy. I’m like, ‘I get it. This is so high brow and so f***ing smart, I clearly need a college education to understand this movie.’ You know what? F*** DC comics. That’s all I have to say and that’s where I’m really coming from.”
dude said f*** dc comics for that