  • Apr 4, 2021

    This you? @op

    Former Walmart employee charged after plowing car into Concord store, police say

    Sources say DMX was playing at full blast in the CD changer

  • Apr 4, 2021
    CLB Wineboy

    Wait synop is a manager at Walmart????

    No way

    nah idk exactly what he does tho

  • Apr 4, 2021

  • Apr 4, 2021

    Work at target instead. Probably the most lax retail job I’ve ever had. Plus they pay pretty well generally

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    cap though there are certain points that are just abuses/maltreatment of workers

    Like u shouldn't be good at putting up with maltreatment, that's still letting yourself be treated badly,

    just saying there are some situations where OP will not get paid more if he exhausts himself at walmart

    There are Walmart workers who weren’t fired this week

    He is not one of them

    There is a reason. There is a problem. Implement a solution.

  • i had the same job at walmart working night shift and also got fired lol

    mine was bc i asked for a day off and the manager forgot to mark it, so i showed up to the next shift after and they fired me right there lol(the manager wasn’t there). they didn’t believe me when i said i got it off, so when they called me a couple days later like “yeah we f***ed up” i was like hell yeah you did

  • Apr 4, 2021

    you sound like a bootlicker

    You’re missing his point. This isn’t about walmart.

  • Majin GoldenChild

    You won’t grow until you want to give a f***

    About everything you put your name on

    i get where you’re coming from

    working at walmart is deadass a black hole for any emotion tho. s*** deadass turns you into a zombie. i’ve worked probably 10 jobs and walmart was far and away the s***tiest

  • Apr 4, 2021
    2 replies
    Majin GoldenChild

    There are Walmart workers who weren’t fired this week

    He is not one of them

    There is a reason. There is a problem. Implement a solution.

    bruh I mean sure...

    I guess im coming from it as, getting fired from Walmart might be a blessing in disguise

    I don't necessarily have sympathy for someone getting fired for being too lazy at their job like that's their own issue

    But working harder than needed at walmart aint something to put pride in

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    bruh I mean sure...

    I guess im coming from it as, getting fired from Walmart might be a blessing in disguise

    I don't necessarily have sympathy for someone getting fired for being too lazy at their job like that's their own issue

    But working harder than needed at walmart aint something to put pride in

    when i got fired i was relieved lmao

  • Apr 4, 2021

    when i got fired i was relieved lmao

  • Apr 4, 2021

    At least you don’t have to work for a s***ty company anymore.

    I could never get fired for being lazy tho.

  • Why are you working somewhere where being fired makes you experience relief?

    This is not about Walmart, as stated above

  • Apr 4, 2021




    Y O U A R E W A L M A R T


  • Apr 4, 2021

    I knew something was wrong at walmart when i asked one of my co-workers about a raise we were supposed to be getting and dude said he didn't care he's been working there for 10 years it's not gonna change anything like damn

  • Apr 4, 2021

    Woulda walked out with like 3 cartons of minute maid

  • Apr 4, 2021
    2 replies

    If your “life is Walmart”, excel at Walmart.

    You niggas have low standards and get triggered when you get called on it.

  • Apr 4, 2021

    Also wait OP you had a boss?
    That’s basically calling another man daddy

    I’m from Harlem, we don’t do that.

  • Apr 4, 2021
    6 replies

    WHY are YOU working a job where you feel RELIEF upon being FIRED?

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply

    f*** walmart and these big corporations. Only thing you should regret is not stealing s*** from them.

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Majin GoldenChild

    You won’t grow until you want to give a f***

    About everything you put your name on

    Real af.

  • Niggamortis

    Real af.

    These young dudes will learn bro

  • I got fired from wal mart one time because I missed too many days and the system automatically terminated me. I was lowkey happy as s*** then my dad made my ass go right back and get my job back

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Majin GoldenChild

    If your “life is Walmart”, excel at Walmart.

    You niggas have low standards and get triggered when you get called on it.

    Work smarter not harder

  • Apr 4, 2021
    Majin GoldenChild

    How you do one thing is how you do everything

    Imagine bragging about this

    That's not true when I worked retail I didn't give a f*** either. they tried to put me in the truck once big mistake for them I f***ing broke and tossed everything in there f***ing detergent, soap, vinegar, tvs the works I f***ed so much s*** up they never asked me to do that s*** again and I did it all working super slow. When I was a picker I recall tossing s*** like 20-30 feet up down to the ground because I'm sure as f*** not going down stairs with that s*** I'm not gonna take those kind of risk for that pay and I was basically begging them to fire me they didn't I had to put in my two weeks notice. However when I worked jobs I like like kitchen work surprising right I actually liked that s*** it pays s*** too but at least the work is enjoyable for me I would always do all my s*** and some there was people there who would f*** around but they clearly didn't like there job. That's why I tell mofuckers do what you like.