Of course i didnt upload my save before i sold my ps4 pro.. its all good this feels amazing with haptic
I caved in and bought it. Also excited for the alien game Tuesday. How is this update?
Alien game?
Just beat the main story today. It’s short but the islands really cool. Took me like 3-4 hours maybe? I didn’t do like any side stuff yet.
This game is amazing
Saving the Japanese lip sync fix for PS5 is pretty silly
Edit: Nvm, saw it had to do with the cutscenes being rendered in real time now, makes sense
About to start my first ever playthrough of this whole thing on ps5
Congrats, that’s amazing. I loaded my previous save to the PS5 version but honestly I want to start over because of how f***ing good it looks with the next-gen upgrade. This is absolutely the definitive version.
Gonna be a bit before I experience this. Probably Christmas time. But I cant wait.
found a charm on Iki that allows me to shoot multiple arrows at once
Shoutout to all the deer
Just beat the main story today. It’s short but the islands really cool. Took me like 3-4 hours maybe? I didn’t do like any side stuff yet.
Side stuff is crazy and really gets the upgrades going IMO
If someone shoots an arrow, is your only option to dodge, or can you hit the arrow with your sword?
Really not into the shaman enemy types who buff enemies
Also is there new masks/armour/helmets on the new island?
If someone shoots an arrow, is your only option to dodge, or can you hit the arrow with your sword?
there is a skill upgrade so that you can parry arrows with your sword
Really not into the shaman enemy types who buff enemies
Also is there new masks/armour/helmets on the new island?
The shaman are ridiculous also I haven’t played in a while so I had to turn the difficulty down from lethal
yeah they added mythical tales, not sure how many exactly but I’ve found one that gave Horse armor and a second that gave new armor/mask/helmet for Jin