  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m actually pissed this is coming to ps4


  • Jun 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Ehh cross gen really kills some of my excitement for the game. If it's on the same level as GOW then I'll be fine but I wish they'd take advantage of the new hardware. It never ends up running well on old gen hardware too

  • Jun 2, 2021

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Lyin’ Jim Ryan strikes yet again

  • Jun 2, 2021

    King Greg

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Ehh cross gen really kills some of my excitement for the game. If it's on the same level as GOW then I'll be fine but I wish they'd take advantage of the new hardware. It never ends up running well on old gen hardware too

    This is where I'm at. I'm sure it'll be great cause this is Sony we're talking about

    But GoW 2018 was clearly designed with PS4's weak CPU and HDD in mind. Now that I have a PS5, those slow "walk and talk" segments, tiny corridors you have to squeeze through, and the intrusive fast travel system are just gonna stand out that much more.

    This game, more than any imo would've benefitted from game design which centered around the SSD. But it is what it is

    On the bright side, this having a PS4 version basically confirms a locked 60 FPS mode

  • Jun 2, 2021

    I mean they're not abandoning the huge ps4 install base that quickly, especially with ps5 stock issues expected to last into next year.

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    but yeah RIP anyone that tries to play this on a nine year old system

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    THE F***!?!??!?! Why is this for PS4?!?!! it better have an update patch for the ps5

  • Jun 2, 2021

    but yeah RIP anyone that tries to play this on a nine year old system

    At this point most people's PS4's are on their last leg and are full of dust. I genuinely don't understand how Sony is confident enough to think this will play fine on a base PS4

  • Cole2

    I’m actually pissed this is coming to ps4


  • Alders0n

    THE F***!?!??!?! Why is this for PS4?!?!! it better have an update patch for the ps5

    Needs to be a whole different build like 2k

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Makes me think Corey isn’t directing this and hes got a seperate team making his PS5 only space game

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Makes me think Corey isn’t directing this and hes got a seperate team making his PS5 only space game

    His whole "never heard of it" tweets keep making think that way.

    I'll enjoy anything Cory releases tho. So a new IP is welcome from him

  • Jun 2, 2021

    His whole "never heard of it" tweets keep making think that way.

    I'll enjoy anything Cory releases tho. So a new IP is welcome from him

    He plays a ton of games hinting at stuff. I knew it was a lock when his profile pic was like a satellite for a min

  • Jun 3, 2021

  • Jun 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Ngl i don’t mind this one not being directed by Cory, i just hope he does the next one when the setting changes to Egypt or Japan

  • Imagine fighting Egyptian or Japanese gods

  • Jun 4, 2021

    Ehh cross gen really kills some of my excitement for the game. If it's on the same level as GOW then I'll be fine but I wish they'd take advantage of the new hardware. It never ends up running well on old gen hardware too

    I mean it just depends on the game. RE8 ran just as well on PS4

  • Jun 4, 2021


  • Jun 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Sucks this is gonna be held back by being cross gen. But the ps5 version will still blow people away no doubt

  • Jun 4, 2021
    4 replies

    This is why I f***ing hate the gaming community. Its full of a bunch of entitled, edgy, and misogynistic losers who act like these gaming developers owe them.
    So tired of seeing developers get threats from gamers because something isn't going their way

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jun 4, 2021

    This is why I f***ing hate the gaming community. Its full of a bunch of entitled, edgy, and misogynistic losers who act like these gaming developers owe them.
    So tired of seeing developers get threats from gamers because something isn't going their way

    Yep. Gamers who act like that are the absolute worst.

    Tlou2 brought all those gamers out from the woodworks

  • Jun 4, 2021

    Dusty ass PS4 niggas won I guess
