Look into getting an arcade. I forgot how much setup is required but the passive 600k every couple hours has been very useful.
Also payphone hits. Do the bonus challenge. Easy 80k in 5-10 mins max during cooldown for ofher missions. You need an agency for this so whenever you can, get that. Those missions and the Dre heist are fun and easy for the most part. I quickly made a good amount of money back on that from the payphone hits.
R* must be hard at work on GTA 6 and just throwing anything out now
GTA6 is going to be garbage.
The lead director for GTA left the studio because he didn’t like the way the game was going. He said the gaming industry is getting too politically correct.
The lead director for GTA left the studio because he didn’t like the way the game was going. He said the gaming industry is getting too politically correct.
If the leaks are true for 6 then it will be the last game to have some balls
not even gonna lie, this next genjj be update is worth it solely for how much better it feels and people not being annoying online
nah rockstar gotta make another midnight club, i just drove every car out of my main garage and it felt like a legit modern racing game
Cant believe Rockstar fans became whipping boys & domestic violence victims smh
R* must be hard at work on GTA 6 and just throwing anything out now
crazy to think i was playing V when i was like 12/13
so much funnier now that i’m older lol i wonder what the f*** i was even thinking listening
to half the s*** they was saying
anyone on ps5 wanna run those double xp missions
How do u know what the double code missions are ??
I’d be down to play
Pause menu quick join in the online tab play job then rockstar created and select missions, there are a few easy ones that has the double xp and pay alot for not alot of work or time
Good thing my modded chatacter got money wiped a few years ago.
Modded characters with huge amounts of money cant be transferred over to ps5 enhanced
Unlocked all the dlc s*** in like two days, hangar, biker s***, cayo perico, tuner story, agency.
Now im bored.
Can you play with an online character across both consoles?
Using PS5 atm but want to buy Series X version so don't want to migrate in case it f***s up
Can you play with an online character across both consoles?
Using PS5 atm but want to buy Series X version so don't want to migrate in case it f***s up
Can you play with an online character across both consoles?
Using PS5 atm but want to buy Series X version so don't want to migrate in case it f***s up
And according to DF so is the PS5 version the better one so far.
And according to DF so is the PS5 version the better one so far.
Damn. Xbox fam so can’t neglect the console
Damn. Xbox fam so can’t neglect the console
I mean you can buy it for both consoles and transfer your character to the PS5 version of the game and then start a new character on XSX