If the leaks are true for 6 then it will be the last game to have some balls
What are the leaks?
What are the leaks?
I don’t know how to spoiler but it’s gonna involve an epstien like character and a elon musk one to and the Epstein character gets his face burned off or some s***
I don’t know how to spoiler but it’s gonna involve an epstien like character and a elon musk one to and the Epstein character gets his face burned off or some s***
Yeah I need to read these 😂 what else? Is it the same ones that it’s in vice city again but you can travel now and it’s a guy and girl main characters?
Yeah I need to read these 😂 what else? Is it the same ones that it’s in vice city again but you can travel now and it’s a guy and girl main characters?
I think so I read it mad long ago but they also mentioned like a space x rocket f***ing up at the end it was a pretty detailed leak reminded me of the first rdr2 leak
I still don't get why they made this new version of it only available on the PS5 console store... Like why Sony/Rockstar Games?
After almost 10 years of playing this is what I have been waiting for thank you rockstar
Come on Rockstar
this makes me mad
Come on Rockstar
rockstar smoking crack man
Come on Rockstar
Lmfao no thanks haha... NEVER... EVER... Will I do this
Love duping cars and making millions just in spite of rockstar and their s*** GTAO economy
Dude I used to run with back on GTA 4 & 5 (360 era & Xbox 1 era) 110% still plays this game faithfully. I'm sure of it
Dude I used to run with back on GTA 4 & 5 (360 era & Xbox 1 era) 110% still plays this game faithfully. I'm sure of it
I always notice the faithful guys still playing gta online. I don’t know how they stay entertained but I commend them. I’ll only get on to terrorize people in a jet and get right off