Greta’s playing the long game. We’re thinking about now, she’s thinking about the generation currently being raised, as well as the ones after who will watch this on streaming and cable
I've never seen you flip flop so much on something
I've never seen you flip flop so much on something
How? I’ve never denied that it’s a movie that discusses its message well. Like Do the Right Thing for sexism.
Good movie. Wish they went further with the concept and ideas but it was funny
Barbie 2: Jesus was a woman
How? I’ve never denied that it’s a movie that discusses its message well. Like Do the Right Thing for sexism.
When it came out you told me not to bother going to see it. Then a few weeks later you were urging me to. Pretty sure it's been a few times since then.
When it came out you told me not to bother going to see it. Then a few weeks later you were urging me to. Pretty sure it's been a few times since then.
Took me a minute to embrace it. I thought it was a dumb comedy with talking points at first. Now I think it’s a commercial interrupted with an occasionally good movie.
Took me a minute to embrace it. I thought it was a dumb comedy with talking points at first. Now I think it’s a commercial interrupted with an occasionally good movie.
In Ireland we had the choice between seeing Lord Of The Dance with the worst seats in the house or Barbie and man regret choosing Barbie
In Ireland we had the choice between seeing Lord Of The Dance with the worst seats in the house or Barbie and man regret choosing Barbie
Worst seats like you needed binoculars?
Worst seats like you needed binoculars?
That and we would have been positioned behind a big ass pillar lol. Still should've seen some highland dancing in Ireland. Regret.
That and we would have been positioned behind a big ass pillar lol. Still should've seen some highland dancing in Ireland. Regret.
I forgot how dumb the mainstream is. Film might not be complicated for me but too much for the average person.
I forgot how dumb the mainstream is. Film might not be complicated for me but too much for the average person.
You're the one that claimed to grasp The Master so easily that it had no mystique
we watch differently
You're the one that claimed to grasp The Master so easily that it had no mystique
we watch differently
I was so young when I saw that. It just felt like I was just watching a guy find himself in life and have fun.
I was so young when I saw that. It just felt like I was just watching a guy find himself in life and have fun.
Have you never revisited?
Have you never revisited?
Yeah and I see the mystique now but I took it before as a pure absurdist comedy
Yeah and I see the mystique now but I took it before as a pure absurdist comedy
Sheesh you threw me through a loop cause I thought you saw right through some complex themes I was totally missing out on or something lol
Sheesh you threw me through a loop cause I thought you saw right through some complex themes I was totally missing out on or something lol
I was like 14/15 when it came out. It was a much more mature film than I could’ve felt and at the time I loved Eric Andre so I viewed it that way.
I was like 14/15 when it came out. It was a much more mature film than I could’ve felt and at the time I loved Eric Andre so I viewed it that way.
Yeah I had seen PDL when it came out and had a life changing theatre experience with TWBB so I was ready for something truly transcendent and Paul delivered
I kinda doubt anything will ever top it for me. Same way I feel about Yeezus for music. Those were some good ass years.