Lol i get if ya upset he went against her wishes buts its really not that serious its his kid too idk why we even care
Lol i get if ya upset he went against her wishes buts its really not that serious its his kid too idk why we even care
Nah you’re right
I’m just capitalizing off the post election hysteria and stirring the pot for quotes
Keep this s*** private like wtf does the public need to know about this stupid f***ing personal drama god damn
She said she liked "bad boys"...Chloe is the one that is opposite surprisingly.
Yeah, I remember those lives
Chloe’s boyfriend literally got arrested for a RICO
They never really dated. That was a PR stunt
They get memed nonstop and posted on Twitter/Shaderoom all the time but this is a line? Sound like some bitterness but that ain’t my business.
People say it’s old hat but I’ll always promote “marry before you carry”
All the options she has as a highly attractive, talented, successful young woman and yet she chose the single mom struggle with DDG of all people
I've been sayin that too !!!!!
I don't understand how he pulled her or how she allowed him to pull her
but hey! Thats who she chose to have a baby with
She probably used to watch him on YouTube
Yeah let's tell the whole world
I don't really know a whole lot about either of these people, but I am a father and I'd be pissed if my kid's mother put her on stream without my knowledge, too.
If there was prior agreements/boundaries made then she has every right to be upset
Imagine your girl tweeting this to all her followers
True but At least she’s a celebrity some basic how’s be announcing s*** like ppl care about them
True but At least she’s a celebrity some basic how’s be announcing s*** like ppl care about them
on IG Live venting to their 4 viewers
ok so, the pros & cons to putting your baby on the internet.. someone tell me a pro lol