What’s the difference between him going on stream with the baby and her posting him on ig? lmao
Sad to see
Kid is barely 1 year old and already being set up with lifelong trauma
Why do women f*** lame niggas and be shocked at lame results?
Ngl what's the point in tweeting this lol
Like the kid been on their igs for millions of people already. Feel like she could of just texted him this
If there was prior agreements/boundaries made then she has every right to be upset
Her fans were probably tagging her talking about “why are you allowing your kid on stream” and now she’s addressing them to save face. That’s usually the case when statements like this are made publicly
All she does is post thirst traps online and has her kid in tons of photos but she draws the line here?
I’m a fan of Halle as an actress so hopefully whatever problems she’s having with her BD doesn’t get too public
Why do women f*** lame niggas and be shocked at lame results?
The niggas hide the lame whilst courting.
By the time they take that mask offfff it’s already too late shawty already in love.
The niggas hide the lame whilst courting.
By the time they take that mask offfff it’s already too late shawty already in love.
this is true, but she been a fan of this dude during the days he was dating Rubi, and people know how that s*** ended.
She knew how he was lol
I had many convos with the girlies about Halle, and they're not too far from the thoughts I had about her relationship with DDG.
this is true, but she been a fan of this dude during the days he was dating Rubi, and people know how that s*** ended.
She knew how he was lol
I had many convos with the girlies about Halle, and they're not too far from the thoughts I had about her relationship with DDG.
Oh Halle is actually what Chloe tries to act like lol
Oh Halle is actually what Chloe tries to act like lol
Word, but I believe Chloe would date anybody who shows her love, as long you nice tbh.
What’s the difference between him going on stream with the baby and her posting him on ig? lmao
There is none. She’s just tryna get back at him on some petty s***
What’s the difference between him going on stream with the baby and her posting him on ig? lmao
Stop being logical nigga
What’s the difference between him going on stream with the baby and her posting him on ig? lmao
One of the instances she has full control over for one