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  • raichu

    Just finished my viewing. As a fan of the OG movie and someone who really enjoyed the 2018 continuation, I had fun with Halloween Kills.

    Loved the flashbacks and in a movie like this, expanding the mythos is risky, however I thought they nailed it. Wasn’t a fan of Loomis.

    The movie has its issues (the dialogues were too on the nose) but I will gladly rewatch it. I might be in the minority here but I liked how it felt “smaller” than the 2018. It’s refreshing to see a movie being it’s own thing instead of trying to outdo the previous chapter.

    Really got me hyped up for Halloween Ends. I think by the time this trilogy is complete, Halloween Kills will be appreciated more.

    Agree about the dialogue. Felt like it was generated by an algorithm based on Loomis promos. Mike was off a perk in this film.

  • master chief

    I can already imagine the ending to Ends
    Laurie’s will sacrifice herself and throw herself off a cliff with michael, you’ll see both of their bodies at the bottom of the cliff dead, and then it’ll pan back to both of them but it’s just Laurie, implying that michael walked off and is still alive hammering home the “Evil lives”

    Theatre would go crazy if this happened. I'd be interested in this...open the door to Michael being a traveling formation of evil...small town to small town.

  • Dec 7, 2021
  • Melz ⚜️
    Jan 12, 2022

    Just copped the 4k

  • Jan 12, 2022

    This movie was kinda ass

  • Melz ⚜️
    Jan 13, 2022

    Don’t ask why but I’m figuring out slowly which Halloween movies are the best to almost sleep to Bc I just throw them on when I’m tired and laying in bed and close my eyes and so far OG Halloween 2 is the best but Halloween Kills could beat it

  • Melz ⚜️
    Jan 13, 2022

    Flashback scenes in 4k are perfection

  • Apr 2, 2022

    Every time someone says "It's good if you don't think too hard :pog: "

    You now the movie finna be s***. This is one of them movies.

  • Jun 24, 2022

    We ride