S*** like ATL, Barbershop, The Wood, and Soul Food.
They quietly killed this + the black sitcom once Tyler Perry and Love + Hip Hop pack hit the streets
smh who are these negroes?
"It's like a french new wave hood flick"
how's that even an insult?? sounds like a compliment to me
awful take
they're basically mad that Jody wasn't some super respectful ambitious man. Like that's not what the movie was ever meant to be about
I grew up on spill.com but man Korey's takes on hood films are pretty disrespectful.
I'll always go to bat for baby boy. A black man doing a character study on black men and what we need to do to improve in society
and John based it around some of his personal experience with having multiple BM's so it's not like he was just throwing around random s***
The more I think about that movie, the more I love it
if this was just a funny commentary on "man that nigga Jody was so trifiling in baby boy" it woulda been funny. But to actually make that a critique on why the movie is "bad" is lame. Niggas acting like they never heard of an antihero before. And the sad party is the ONLY reason they dislike Baby boy is because it's a black film
"I told ya'll Jody can't count, he can't see theres 8 dudes tryna jump him"
actually there's only 5 dudes
Aight lay off that’s my nigga right there
nah the review is mad funny but I just don't get how it equals "this movie is bad"
nah the review is mad funny but I just don't get how it equals "this movie is bad"
Yea I was watching earlier but didn’t get far. Didn’t seem like there were any legit complaints, they was just clowning Jody.. which I mean.. that’s kind of the point of the damn movie.
Yea I was watching earlier but didn’t get far. Didn’t seem like there were any legit complaints, they was just clowning Jody.. which I mean.. that’s kind of the point of the damn movie.
Exactly, the only legit complaint is "it's kinda all over the place" and I get that with the random "selling clothes" storyline getting thrown in for a bit and disappearing.
But really all they doing is clowning around. Nigga said "Melvin frying eggs butt ass naked knowing that grease can splatter on ya d***"
I grew up on spill.com but man Korey's takes on hood films are pretty disrespectful.
He can be pretentious at times. He be letting Marvel movies slide though