  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 2, 2020

    I'm not debating that
    It isn't competitive anymore but the games that were competitive had watered down considerably and now other venues have taken hold of the mainstream and took off soaring. I enjoy fighting games and maybe some competitive shooters but it doesn't have the same feel and feedback of shooters of yesteryears.

    Rocket league is its own thing and has stupid depth in regards to physics but it paved its own lane

    Yeah, but that's just developers flopping at the end of the day, not much we can do about that. It's like if ya favorite artist dropped an album and it was mid, and hopefully the next one lives up to expectations

    We just gotta way longer when comes to games typically lol

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Idk man I've had a s*** ton of fun playing MK11 and smash.

    Fps are dying because battle royals and I have no interest In those.

    Halo is sadly passed its glory days.

    Modern warfare has great gameplay imo but has horrible maps until recently ig

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 2, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    Anyone whose played a fighting game from the 00’s (Marvel, SF3 and 4, Smash Melee) or shooters (Halo, Quake) knows what I’m talking about.

    The lack of technical nuance in combination with the spread of information on social media has made competitive games a chore if anything.

    There’s no real excitement. Everybody figures out the game in a few months and then a new season starts and it’s just rinse and repeat.

    Am I the only one feels this way?

    Fighting games would have to be referenced to the 90s. 2000-2009 is actually known as the dark era where people thought fighting games were going to die until Street a Fighter IV brought it back to life. With that being said fighting games have been more alive than ever. EVO having over 10000 entrants and spectators, Combo breaker sold out hotel rooms within minutes. Fighting games are alive and flourishing currently.

    FPS games are a different story unfortunately

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Speedrunning its still big af

  • Brand new games. Hence why I referred to the 00’s and games that have seasons now.

  • Feb 2, 2020

    I think he means how the game itself allowed insane levels of tech and deep depth for the gamer to shine through the mechanics rather than have the game play the gamer.

    Watch sfv and understand there's a 3 frame limit for combos so it's easy to do combos.

    Compare that to sf4 where there were 1 frame links, loops, unique combo situations on characters and sfv looks like dog s***. Gamers are getting their bread, but can't tell me they're happy with this s***.

    Tekken 7 is the only competitive fighting game available right now that has stupid depth, but the ceiling is insanely high and Leroy breaks the game

    Thanks, Modal! I see a lot of people telling me competitive gaming is a live and that I’m wrong but they seemed to miss the point.

    Competitive gaming scene is doing really well in terms of viewership and sponsors. Hardcore competitive gaming still has a bit of a scene but overall developers aren’t making those kinds of games anymore hence why I said it’s dying.

    Developers want to make accessible games to bring in players but for people who like to commit to those games on a deeper level, the whole thing feels lackluster.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Ah yeah in those regards I know SFV is dulled compared to previous entries. Tho there's a lot of fighting games out there, so it's not really fair to there's only Tekken 7. I think I've seen UNIST get a lot of praise, Guilty Gear always seems to keep their fanbase happy. I think people really like Samurai Showdowns mechanics too.

    Obviously there's ones with flaws or just stuff people aren't happy with like SFV, DBFZ, MK. I mean it seems about 50/50 tho in ones doing s*** right vs ones lacking, which is about the best you can hope for with so many different creations in reality.

    Smash community seems to really enjoy Ultimate as well.

    People are worried about the new GG and saying that developers are taking notes from SF5.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    People are worried about the new GG and saying that developers are taking notes from SF5.

    GG has a hardcore fanbase so if they can turn it down to help people get in but still throw bones for the competitive gamer, that's a plus. Just don't neuter it so bad that the competitive guys hate it

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Arena shooters are definitely dying.