  • azkaban
    half blood
    deathly hallows
    order of phoenix
    chamber secret

  • Mar 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Prisoner of Azkaban
    Half Blood Prince
    Chamber of Secrets (criticized because it's too much of a faithful adaptation )
    Goblet of Fire
    Philosopher's Stone
    Deathly Hallows 2
    Deathly Hallows 1
    Order of the Phoenix

  • Mar 24, 2022

    glad everyone has PoA in top 1

  • Mar 24, 2022
    2 replies

    I don't really have a list to give but i'd really urge reading the books at some point as well if you enjoy the series a lot. The world building and detail is on a different planet

    I read these in elementary school, watched and kinda severed my connection with the franchise as a whole after the last movie came out in theaters, and i'm currently re-reading each and watching film alongside it (currently on OoTP). The s*** they start cutting after the first 2 films is really....appalling lmao. It's hard for me to ever rank these because of it and i understand why i now never cared much for them after it ended. And mind you these films still bring a big smile to my face but i just find them really head scratching adaptations. PoA weirdly enough is one of the biggest offenders i've seen from my rewatches along with GoF

    They got their deserved money and success but i can't help but think if they had the chance to re-do it they would not have done it like they did.

  • OP
    Mar 24, 2022

    I don't really have a list to give but i'd really urge reading the books at some point as well if you enjoy the series a lot. The world building and detail is on a different planet

    I read these in elementary school, watched and kinda severed my connection with the franchise as a whole after the last movie came out in theaters, and i'm currently re-reading each and watching film alongside it (currently on OoTP). The s*** they start cutting after the first 2 films is really....appalling lmao. It's hard for me to ever rank these because of it and i understand why i now never cared much for them after it ended. And mind you these films still bring a big smile to my face but i just find them really head scratching adaptations. PoA weirdly enough is one of the biggest offenders i've seen from my rewatches along with GoF

    They got their deserved money and success but i can't help but think if they had the chance to re-do it they would not have done it like they did.

    I might read them. Do you like them a lot more than the movies?

  • Mar 24, 2022

    Goblet of fire always stuck out the most as a kid...think it was because of the wizard tournament

  • Mar 24, 2022
    2 replies

    I don't really have a list to give but i'd really urge reading the books at some point as well if you enjoy the series a lot. The world building and detail is on a different planet

    I read these in elementary school, watched and kinda severed my connection with the franchise as a whole after the last movie came out in theaters, and i'm currently re-reading each and watching film alongside it (currently on OoTP). The s*** they start cutting after the first 2 films is really....appalling lmao. It's hard for me to ever rank these because of it and i understand why i now never cared much for them after it ended. And mind you these films still bring a big smile to my face but i just find them really head scratching adaptations. PoA weirdly enough is one of the biggest offenders i've seen from my rewatches along with GoF

    They got their deserved money and success but i can't help but think if they had the chance to re-do it they would not have done it like they did.

    To me, PoA and GoF are probably the two best books in the series and the movies adapted them so poorly

  • Mar 24, 2022

    PoA & GoF are the only ones i’ll watch if they’re being played on TV

  • Mar 25, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    Prisoner of Azkaban
    Half Blood Prince
    Chamber of Secrets (criticized because it's too much of a faithful adaptation )
    Goblet of Fire
    Philosopher's Stone
    Deathly Hallows 2
    Deathly Hallows 1
    Order of the Phoenix

    Respectable list

    Chamber of Secrets’ faithfulness to the book is its biggest strength and weakness. A strength in that it’s probably the best of all the movies in properly adapting the story and retaining that mystery vibe that defines Harry Potter whereas the other movies’ deviations from the source material resulted in huge plot holes.

    But the extreme detail to the book also resulted in the movie not having as much of a strong identity as the other ones. Stylistically, it feels like a retread of the first one just slightly darker. It’s why I consider the two of them to be pretty equal.

    I still love the movie though and it ranks #3 on my list too but I can understand why it ranks lower for other people

  • Mar 25, 2022

    To me, PoA and GoF are probably the two best books in the series and the movies adapted them so poorly

    Blasphemy in the case of POA but I agree in the case of GOF.

    They are my two favorite books in the series as well

  • OP
    Mar 25, 2022
    2 replies

    Are the fantastic beast movies good?

  • Mar 25, 2022

    Are the fantastic beast movies good?

    I’ve never really watched them. I watched half of the first movie but it wasn’t hitting on the level of the HP movies

    The main problem is that they’re not based on any actual books. JK Rowling wrote the screenplay but she’s not as good of a screenwriter as she is an author

    you might like them though. don’t let any of us influence your judgement of these films, everybody’s got their own opinion

  • Goblet

  • Mar 25, 2022

    1. Prisoner of Azkaban
    2. Half Blood Prince
    3. Deathly Hallows 1
    4. Chamber of Secrets
    5. Goblet of Fire
    6. Deathly Hallows 2
    7. Philosopher's Stone
    8. Order of the Phoenix

  • Mar 25, 2022

    1. Prisoner of Azkaban

    The rest

  • Mar 25, 2022

    Prisoner of Azkaban
    the last 2 movies
    The rest

  • Melz ⚜️
    Mar 25, 2022

    Are the fantastic beast movies good?

    Not really

    Worth watching if you are into the movies but they really aren’t very good

    Third one looks kinda cool though

  • Mar 25, 2022

    Azkaban and Golbet top 2

  • POA

  • Mar 25, 2022

    Goblet of Fire was my favourite as a kid. Now however Prisoner of Azkaban is. Chamber of Secrets is my least favourite.

  • Mar 25, 2022

    Chamber of secrets
    Half blood prince
    Prisoner of Azkaban
    Deathly hollows 1&2
    Goblet of fire
    Sorcerers stone
    Order of the phoenix

  • OP
    Mar 26, 2022

    Chamber Of Secrets was great

  • Mar 26, 2022

    To me, PoA and GoF are probably the two best books in the series and the movies adapted them so poorly

    Felt the same way but with Order of the Phoenix. So much depth wasted in the movies.