are there any good LEGIT CHILD ACTORS?
like this only works if we grow up with the characters too.
hbo p****
Its better than a remake tbh.
Its one full season covering each book
One season per book would be amazing if paced correctly.
Any episode count guesses?
One season per book would be amazing if paced correctly.
Any episode count guesses?
I’ve never read the Harry Potter books but do they really need a live-action reboot? Was the movies unfaithful?
I’ve never read the Harry Potter books but do they really need a live-action reboot? Was the movies unfaithful?
They cut tons of stuff, the longest book is the shortest movie lol
I’ve never read the Harry Potter books but do they really need a live-action reboot? Was the movies unfaithful?
The movies were amazing they don’t need this whatsoever
This gonna suck so much ass juice, make a new series in the wizard universe, why revisit the same stories?
One season per book would be amazing if paced correctly.
Any episode count guesses?
I can see each season getting longer as they go just like the books
If they can make this look and feel exactly like the Mary Grandpre art/aesthetic but in live action, this will be a winner off rip
I hope it’s not made to be dreary and grim to feel like a more “realistic” version
are there any good LEGIT CHILD ACTORS?
like this only works if we grow up with the characters too.
hbo p****
I feel like I’ve seen soooo many great child performances in the last several years, and still there’s always this narrative of child actors suck. Even after Eighth Grade and Room and Florida Project and Beasts of the Southern Wild and Aftersun and on and on.
I feel like I’ve seen soooo many great child performances in the last several years, and still there’s always this narrative of child actors suck. Even after Eighth Grade and Room and Florida Project and Beasts of the Southern Wild and Aftersun and on and on.
Yeah child actors been cookin
I wanted this so bad LFG
You wanted your favourite childhood movies destroyed?… how are they going to replace SNAPE?
I can't' find the thread but I need everyone who pretended M3gan was a great movie to know I am starting my hate watch now
recasting some of those roles will be TOUGH.
the movies have so many iconic casting choices.