Oh no doubt those put them on critically. But mainstream audience-wise and money-wise I feel like it was GoT.
Either way, those are all adult shows, so doesn’t take away from my point
Idk Sopranos dominated culture for years and seemed just as big as GOT to me but no it doesn't negate your point. HBO had already famously ushered in the "Golden Age Of Television" long before GOT came along is all.
Idk Sopranos dominated culture for years and seemed just as big as GOT to me but no it doesn't negate your point. HBO had already famously ushered in the "Golden Age Of Television" long before GOT came along is all.
That’s real. To be fair, I was a kid when Sopranos and The Wire was going, so I can’t really say
This will be an adult show. It’s HBO lmao
It’s not really HBO tbf. It’s a Max streaming show and the only reason it’s going to Max is because of Warner Bros
yeah bro that’s why they want to introduce HP to the new generations. This gonna have the same tone as the movies, you won’t have s***and gore
There’s no s***and gore in the books
They just need to go scene for scene from books. Adults pay for streaming services and like week to week tv.
I’m still puzzled on why they’re doing this tbh cause I feel like an elongated version that matches the tone shifts in the movies will definitely be what we’re getting.
They should 1000% lean into the magical aspect like the first two movies did imo and just keep true to the books. Too much good story was cut out
Idk I wouldn’t mind them starting light and getting darker as they age. That’s what the tone of the books were
Niggas want a mature adult tone for a show about a group of 11 year old kids going to school to learn magic
Obviously it’ll get there as the stakes get higher but let it be fun and magical while they’re kids
Niggas want a mature adult tone for a show about a group of 11 year old kids going to school to learn magic
Obviously it’ll get there as the stakes get higher but let it be fun and magical while they’re kids
Don’t confuse dark with accurate
Just make them accurate.
Niggas want a mature adult tone for a show about a group of 11 year old kids going to school to learn magic
Obviously it’ll get there as the stakes get higher but let it be fun and magical while they’re kids
This site lives in a bubble sometimes. Because something from their childhood is being brought back they want it to appeal to them as a now adult.
This isn’t gonna be GOT. We’re most likely looking at a Percy Jackson or Stranger Things tone tbh
This site lives in a bubble sometimes. Because something from their childhood is being brought back they want it to appeal to them as a now adult.
This isn’t gonna be GOT. We’re most likely looking at a Percy Jackson or Stranger Things tone tbh
Percy Jackson is terrible
Hopefully Rowling doesn’t politically correct tf out of this
Politically correct.. Known transphobe jk rowling?!
I feel like there's a lot of folk who have been unable to let their fandom go who been projecting themselves onto the cast tbh. That tweet is a load of s***e imo
It's a lot easier for WB and JK and surer way of $$$ to make another adaptation than some bs sequel series . That would not be good. Only people heavily invested in fanfic imagination tryna see harry Ron and Hermione in their mid 30s
You just can't make a sequel with those characters when the stakes were so high in the og series . It would be like tryna make a sequel to lotr with frodo etc. Just doesn't work
Percy Jackson is terrible
I haven’t seen it so I don’t have an opinion myself. Reception seemed good online from what I’ve read
This site lives in a bubble sometimes. Because something from their childhood is being brought back they want it to appeal to them as a now adult.
This isn’t gonna be GOT. We’re most likely looking at a Percy Jackson or Stranger Things tone tbh
The old HP movie were much darker than Stranger Things weak ass
Hopefully Rowling doesn’t politically correct tf out of this
If anything she's more likely to blow a billion of her own money just to be as non pc as she wants to be. popular move lately with billionaires.
None of those things is real cinema
Give me Harry Potter HBO prestige TV real cinema or don’t f***ing make this
To be honest
If they go serious in the earlier seasons, they would probably keep that serious adult tone to the adults in the story. Maybe have some seriousness showing Harry come to grips with his new identity and family history. I just think it would be a mistake to be 100% somber and serious from the outset. It would lose the growing sense of urgency and danger as Voldemort rises.
I mean basically with a high level adult tone, like other HBO shows. No whimsical Christopher Columbus kid BS. No blockbuster Netflix poor writing, background ambiance BS.
Just really smart strong writing, direction that is done with care and craft, acting that is built on nuanced performances. What I’m describing could basically be comped to the first 5 seasons of GoT (minus the nudity and gore) if you want a comp.
first two books are basically impossible to do like this for multiple reasons, which is why this show even existing is just a stupid idea from the jump. i think one of the biggest selling points for this series was the slow evolution and expansion of the kid friendlier stuff into the deeper magical lore and the straight up war the series ends with - as a reader or a viewer you truly got to grow up with the series and i think the series as a whole would suffer a bit w/out that contrast. it is literally abt kids growing up
also prestige tv w 11 yr olds i just can’t even imagine like wrapping my head around that sounds crazy
Which is why they are gonna base them on the books.
But still the actors who played those roles in the movies are almost iconic at this point
My point is that replacing that cast in a sort-of remake is not going to be easy
first two books are basically impossible to do like this for multiple reasons, which is why this show even existing is just a stupid idea from the jump. i think one of the biggest selling points for this series was the slow evolution and expansion of the kid friendlier stuff into the deeper magical lore and the straight up war the series ends with - as a reader or a viewer you truly got to grow up with the series and i think the series as a whole would suffer a bit w/out that contrast. it is literally abt kids growing up
also prestige tv w 11 yr olds i just can’t even imagine like wrapping my head around that sounds crazy
I agree
I think if they wanted to do a HP series, they should’ve done one on Voldemort
That has more breathing room to explore something new but still have some of the source material from the books mixed in
every time i think more about this s*** it just feels like the most soulless cash grab of all time
outside of some quidditch subplots and the sorting hat songs wtf can even be added to this creatively w the addition of more time. OG movies have top notch vfx that honestly look better than most s*** coming out now so i doubt it’s gonna look any better. we already have bordering on 5 hours of movie covering Deathly Hallows and people thought that was bloated (Part 1 at least), and DH is a big ass book - at minimum we getting the equivalent of both parts of DH for every single book, several of which are 1/3 the size of DH… they doing this s*** bc they know it’ll make money and nothing else. we’ll be lucky if we even get a decent stand-alone ep outta this.
no way this s*** actually gets through all 7 seasons either w the way high budget tv shows get made now - two year gaps for short ass seasons, those kids are about to age in a snap. idk man. just a f***ass idea from the start
I’ve been saying for a decade they should do this, because this whole story is perfect for prestige TV. It was never suited for the movie format to begin with. There’s way too many details. They just made it into movies because TV wasn’t big at the start of the 2000s and it was the obvious way to make money off the franchise. If this is done well, they SHOULD be making this.
And I’m sorry but the first two movies that Columbus made are absolute dogshit, meme fodder
The first two books actually have some really fascinating broad themes, but you absolutely need to change the approach to how you execute the first two books if you want this to be quality. Maybe add in a lot more flashbacks and additional storylines of the adults (that weren’t in the books) to build depth.
What broad themes are in the books that the first two movies missed? They feel like pretty faithful adaptations tbh. CoS even gets criticized for putting everything in the book in the movie and that's why it's so long
first two books are basically impossible to do like this for multiple reasons, which is why this show even existing is just a stupid idea from the jump. i think one of the biggest selling points for this series was the slow evolution and expansion of the kid friendlier stuff into the deeper magical lore and the straight up war the series ends with - as a reader or a viewer you truly got to grow up with the series and i think the series as a whole would suffer a bit w/out that contrast. it is literally abt kids growing up
also prestige tv w 11 yr olds i just can’t even imagine like wrapping my head around that sounds crazy
I feel like I’m repeating myself, but I’ll say it again anyway: The only way I see the first two books as being impossible to do in that style, is if you do it directly as they are written (as Chris Columbus did them). Which would be dumb and super boring (as Columbus’ movies were).
If you venture outside of making it from the vantage point of Harry and the kids, then it would be entirely possible.
The reason that telling it from Harry’s perspective worked in the books was that you could read Rowling’s amazing prose that brought you inside Harry’s mind and experience the world for the first time as he did. That’s not possible in a film format like it is in a book. However, film allows you to take peeks into all elements of the world as the story in the books is unfolding in a visual format. You can have vignettes about different characters and how they approached the events as we knew them. There are limitless possibilities.
Being confined to the story as it was written in the books or already told before in the movies would be the epitome of mediocre storytelling.