In before Ron and Hermione get race swapped while Harry stays the same a la Percy Jackson
A Ron race swap makes sense. The Weasleys are the niggas of the wizarding world. Just change their last name to Williams or something
Wait what should be getting casting news soon if they plan to film seasons back to back
I know the whole situation but there are zero chances of a Harry Potter HBO Series flopping
Wait what
A Ron race swap makes sense. The Weasleys are the niggas of the wizarding world. Just change their last name to Williams or something
Wait what this was already talked about a month or two ago
Makes sense when you consider the massive amount of production and casting that is going to go into this. Also since they said they’re filming season 1 and 2 back to back
Lmfao it’s over
Hollywood's fear of having all-white casts is getting ridiculous now. As a black man, I promise you that we don't care if there's black people in Harry Potter
man i do not want this loser character to be played by a black man
they need to get a talented white dude who can pay homage to Rickman while bringing his own, preferably more book-accurate version of the role
i can see him being good tbh great actor saw him in a oneman show earlier this year
Hollywood's fear of having all-white casts is getting ridiculous now. As a black man, I promise you that we don't care if there's black people in Harry Potter
U say that here but on twitter its a different thing
And.. here.. we.. go..
Welp discourse around this series is ruined now
U say that here but on twitter its a different thing
That's the problem. Hollywood doesn't understand that Twitter isn't a real place
man i do not want this loser character to be played by a black man
they need to get a talented white dude who can pay homage to Rickman while bringing his own, preferably more book-accurate version of the role
live look at Lily's reaction to black snape making a move: