Who knows, maybe someone from India in like 50 years when India's more developed, lol. India's about to hit 2 billion people. For someone in the US to reach MJ's level of fame and influence, the US would need at least twice as many people as it has rn.
Lol, we're speaking about worldwide. No indian will ever reach the same level of fame especially because most people don't even like Indian people
ronaldo and messi. but not in music
To reach that level of fame/come kinda near it in any field you also have to display inspiring masculine/feminine “power” to people. Think politicians, anctors and athletes. Michael’s singing style, performing style, outfits, videos and instrumentals during Thriller-Bad specifically all coalesced into awe-inspiring levels of this “masculine power” that only 2Pac and 50 Cent have displayed amongst male musicians after him
As for female musicians? To no coincidence…Madonna, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift
To reach that level of fame/come kinda near it in any field you also have to display inspiring masculine/feminine “power” to people. Think politicians, anctors and athletes. Michael’s singing style, performing style, outfits, videos and instrumentals during Thriller-Bad specifically all coalesced into awe-inspiring levels of this “masculine power” that only 2Pac and 50 Cent have displayed amongst male musicians after him
As for female musicians? To no coincidence…Madonna, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift
people might not realise even in the middle of bumfuck nowhere all over europe at least families would gather around the only tv in the neighbourhood to watch the thriller movie when it came out
people might not realise even in the middle of bumfuck nowhere all over europe at least families would gather around the only tv in the neighbourhood to watch the thriller movie when it came out
Right they’re not and s*** like that…that’s appealing to the human psyche on a different level than just some regular superstar musician s***. Awe inspiring how tf is a human doing this, Superman level s***
To reach that level of fame/come kinda near it in any field you also have to display inspiring masculine/feminine “power” to people. Think politicians, anctors and athletes. Michael’s singing style, performing style, outfits, videos and instrumentals during Thriller-Bad specifically all coalesced into awe-inspiring levels of this “masculine power” that only 2Pac and 50 Cent have displayed amongst male musicians after him
As for female musicians? To no coincidence…Madonna, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift
You left out the most important one.
His sister.
ronaldo and messi. but not in music
Mbappe soon crazy what Messi was able to accomplish as a silent superstar
iShowSpeed surpassed him
The answer is no, and anyone trying to use other names is a moron.
MJs fame reached untapped ground, quite literally.
I think people surprisingly underestimate the star power of MJ.
MJ emerged in an era where he had to compete with the likes of….
So for you to be able to cut through all that noise and ascend to even higher heights must mean that your something different.
And that’s no disrespect to the Taylor Swift and Beyoncé’s of the world because they have also amassed an insane level of acclaim in the industry.
At the end of the day, you’re always gonna be chasing a shadow.
No, stop it. Biggest music stars there will ever be were before the pre-internet age when everyone had their media tailored.
In general sports stars, specifically football, are the most popular human beings aside from religious or political figures.
It would be fair to say Messi and Ronaldo are the most famous indiviudals, living today.
Considering the world population has literally doubled since his peak fame... yes it's been surpassed. Unless you're blinded by nostalgia that nobody posting on here has lived through ofc.
Considering the world population has literally doubled since his peak fame... yes it's been surpassed. Unless you're blinded by nostalgia that nobody posting on here has lived through ofc.
who would you consider to have surpassed MJ's fame
You left out the most important one.
His sister.
Prime Janet really was damn near as famous as MJ at one point her run from control to the velvet rope was insane
Considering the world population has literally doubled since his peak fame... yes it's been surpassed. Unless you're blinded by nostalgia that nobody posting on here has lived through ofc.
Just something I was thinking about. Obviously MJ was like on another level of fame back then, people in third world countries, without running water pre internet era knew how big MJ was. Anyone think that level of fame has been matched since? Or who do you feel has been at least the closest.
How can we objectively say niggas without running water knew MJ lmao