  • Oct 1, 2022

    How do you feel about the videos below?
    Do you still have a third place?

  • Oct 1, 2022

    I feel like these are still things in bigger cities no matter what country but not so much in non major cities

  • Oct 1, 2022

    Also since he brought up the online thing

    I feel like KTT is a third place to a lot of people

  • People still out chillin in those spots, they just keep to themselves instead of socializing.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 1, 2022
    1 reply

    this why I think im gonna manifest an unregistered third place by digging out this naturally occurring hole in this hilly section of some barren land just below a road on the other side of the freeway from me. fortify that s*** so its safe i been plottin this for years tbh

  • Oct 1, 2022

    dude’s mustache is distracting

  • rvi 🐸
    Oct 1, 2022

    interesting idea

  • Oct 1, 2022

    this why I think im gonna manifest an unregistered third place by digging out this naturally occurring hole in this hilly section of some barren land just below a road on the other side of the freeway from me. fortify that s*** so its safe i been plottin this for years tbh

    Document the process

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Oct 1, 2022

    society no
    americans, maybe

  • Oct 1, 2022

    Saw a quote tweet about how this was largely driven by segregation but I lost it

  • Oct 1, 2022

    I agree with this

    Remember hearing about late night coffee shops in the 90s being somewhere to go after a concert/work/hang out just to vibe

    But nowadays rent is so f***ing high that only the biggest of big business can survive

  • Oct 1, 2022

    Spot on
    Living in the suburbs I have no idea where to go to meet people
    The few places where people congregate are shopping centers which are generally big chains all selling similar things that I don’t need
    Used to spend a lot of time in NYC and it was so nice to just throw on a fresh fit, explore a new area find somewhere to eat and a park to hang out at
    You stumble upon events and meet strangers

    The closest thing to a communal area where people my age actually go are bars in college towns, all about 30+ mins away and I never have a designated driver

  • Oct 1, 2022

    Bro I always think about this but never had a word for it like I just wanna chill

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 1, 2022

    Ehhhh my neighborhood has several places where people can meet and hangout. The park is constantly full too. Definitely different elsewhere though.

  • Oct 1, 2022

    ktt2 is my third place

  • Oct 1, 2022
    2 replies


    Places still exist but just because youre in your house yourself doesnt mean they all disappeared.

    Also yeah, the internet does take up some of that time. Doesnt mean its bad tho lol its just an additive that didnt exist before.

    Diners, the gym, little local bars/clubs, food spots, local carnivals, the parks & the mall are all there. Even hugh commerical places like Starbucks people use as a hangout. Or even a certain persons house is a general meet up for tons of people.

    Also as you get older you probably wont be so inclined to go to these places. Thats always been a thing.

    Talking my gen tho. I graduated HS 2014 n almost certified old head in the next few years so idk about the gen or two under me.

  • Oct 1, 2022

    Really hate this thinking that everything is suppose to be the same as 20+ years ago on an image most werent old enough to see or experience that is consumed by glorified & exaggerated sitcoms n ads.

  • Oct 1, 2022
    1 reply

    problem is u can’t s***post in third place or else someone will punch u

  • Oct 2, 2022

    everything has been replaced with apartment buildings

  • Oct 2, 2022

    Typically you dont make friends from new encounters tho like the guy imagine in scenarios that takes place in these third places. More common we go to those third places as a group, with people we already get along. Been that way for our parents and older gens too

    Friendships, perhaps most of them are formed through progress. We become friends with our colleagues, classmates, neighbors because we meet and spend time together often

  • Oct 2, 2022

    Yea americans are basement dwelling losers thst should get some b****es all u americscs frr

  • Oct 2, 2022
    lake placid

    problem is u can’t s***post in third place or else someone will punch u

    Ok dis me

  • Oct 2, 2022
    Water Giver


    Places still exist but just because youre in your house yourself doesnt mean they all disappeared.

    Also yeah, the internet does take up some of that time. Doesnt mean its bad tho lol its just an additive that didnt exist before.

    Diners, the gym, little local bars/clubs, food spots, local carnivals, the parks & the mall are all there. Even hugh commerical places like Starbucks people use as a hangout. Or even a certain persons house is a general meet up for tons of people.

    Also as you get older you probably wont be so inclined to go to these places. Thats always been a thing.

    Talking my gen tho. I graduated HS 2014 n almost certified old head in the next few years so idk about the gen or two under me.

    This a lot of typing to say nothing

  • Oct 2, 2022

    Basketball gym

  • Oct 2, 2022
    Water Giver


    Places still exist but just because youre in your house yourself doesnt mean they all disappeared.

    Also yeah, the internet does take up some of that time. Doesnt mean its bad tho lol its just an additive that didnt exist before.

    Diners, the gym, little local bars/clubs, food spots, local carnivals, the parks & the mall are all there. Even hugh commerical places like Starbucks people use as a hangout. Or even a certain persons house is a general meet up for tons of people.

    Also as you get older you probably wont be so inclined to go to these places. Thats always been a thing.

    Talking my gen tho. I graduated HS 2014 n almost certified old head in the next few years so idk about the gen or two under me.

    lil bro didn’t watch the video properly and still confidently said No.