Nostalgia is a disease
The internet has hit mainstream it’s hardest now which has truly brought us into the postmodern
People in their mid20- mid30 you can argue helped create modern internet culture but now there’s more 14 year olds on social media than before and all they see is my age groups music/videos/lifestyle and it’s now what they define as internet in general
The window is shrinking because their life is shorter and their boxes are smaller
i love how Vice City incorporated the 80s aesthetic when it wasn't corny
LMFAOOOO oh my god
Man this funny as hell and sad as f***
the fact that Gen z reminiscing about the 2010s is f***in hilarious though lol
2011-2017 was a legendary era and being a young kid during that era was special
Sorry boomer
2011-2017 was a legendary era and being a young kid during that era was special
Sorry boomer
everyone is nostalgic about their childhood, the 2010s were cool but what exactly was legendary about it?
I feel like there isn't much to be nostalgic about from 2010-2020. Almost everything is the exact same The leap isn't anywhere near as drastic as 2000-2010 was, where we damn near went from the stone age to the internet era at warp speed.
everyone is nostalgic about their childhood, the 2010s were cool but what exactly was legendary about it?
internet culture evolving and all the great music that came out at the time
also the years that followed were uniquely bad which makes the nostalgia worse
the fact that Gen z reminiscing about the 2010s is f***in hilarious though lol
Like how you reminiscence about other niggas lives -- niggas jacking our memories
the fact that Gen z reminiscing about the 2010s is f***in hilarious though lol
Like how you reminiscence about other niggas lives -- niggas jacking our memories
But the 2016 nostalgia on Twitter gotta be a group think thing or something. Bro it’s hard to believe that’s the only summer people had fun.
Gotta be for the kids because that's around the time they were turning 18 or starting college since most of these guys from 97/98.
That summer I was out of college and looking for a job and broke af that I was unthawing and eating Thanksgiving dressing in July.
when the future doesn’t exist and the present is hellish it’s only logical for one to cling to the past
i think the difference is that the late 90s early 2000s really were a completely different time to grow up in
feel like for a kid that was the perfect time to grow up. we already had video games but would still be out playing soccer and s*** and our minds werent focused on looking cool on social media yet
i think the difference is that the late 90s early 2000s really were a completely different time to grow up in
feel like for a kid that was the perfect time to grow up. we already had video games but would still be out playing soccer and s*** and our minds werent focused on looking cool on social media yet
old asssssssss
Why would Zoomers be nostalgic over experiences they never lived? this would be like a boomer getting mad at you for not being nostalgic over segregation or some dumb s*** boomers get nostalgic about