for you of course
consider it finished
Thank u very much
this confuses me because i thought cats were highly valued in islam
i would expect someone like hasbulla who is such a committed muslim, to the point where he doesn’t take pictures with women, to pay more respects toward his cat
plus from other things i've seen it sounds like he really loves cats
not that anything would justify it but i would love to hear what he's actually saying in the video
This made me think of ligers from napoleon
man i might have to rewatch that tonight
He lives in dagestan
3rd world countries dont treat animals like americans do
Just so we’re clear Dagestan is not a country
They got cameras all over slaughterhouses so we know the animals aren't mistreated before we f***ing murder them I slaughtered my first chicken at like 6 years old but I'll still never hurt an animal unnecessarily
this confuses me because i thought cats were highly valued in islam
i would expect someone like hasbulla who is such a committed muslim, to the point where he doesn’t take pictures with women, to pay more respects toward his cat
People tend to pick and choose their beliefs and values when it best suits them. Religion notwithstanding
He's just a kid I use to fight my cat at that age too. It doesn't make it ok but people gotta chill
Whos gonna tell him
Kirby type s***
Kirby would never do that
when did this guy get famous, bro feels like a social media celebrity plant to me
@op linking twitter blue accounts to prove it is ktt2 gold content tho