mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
so if you saw a person abusing a cat or a dog you wouldn't do anything, or feel anything because you're afraid of being seen as a hypocrite?
white people lose their s*** over animals lmao
white people out here experiencing feelings such as empathy n s*** 😭
so if you saw a person abusing a cat or a dog you wouldn't do anything, or feel anything because you're afraid of being seen as a hypocrite?
i think hasbulla slapping a cat like he did is much better than serial animal abuser, a lot of ppl from the east discipline their animals like that.
to answer ur question nah i’m minding my business
Expected worse
I’m still so confused if this nigga is a grown ass man or a kid or both
He grown but mfs feel sorry for him cause he ah dwarf and his life span 35 max
like i said i would beat him to death with a hammer
I would smoke the cop that would try to hand cuff you brodie
i think hasbulla slapping a cat like he did is much better than serial animal abuser, a lot of ppl from the east discipline their animals like that.
to answer ur question nah i’m minding my business
who mentioned serial animal abusers? either way, a lot of people from the eastern hemisphere also discipline their children like that as well, but does that make it right? ofc not. both are considered abuse and could have negative impact on their mental state
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
CTE in action folks
Why tf do people think because you eat animals (which we're built for) is a gotcha to people upset about animal abuse?
If i see a random person f***ing with a cow or a pig for no reason poking their eyes and slapping them yeah I think thats f***ed up as well and those people are also little b******s like stupid ass cow tipping and s***, its literally unnecessary weirdo s*** to be cruel for no reason
And i think the major food industry how it treats animals is f***ed up n is also weirdo s*** and unnecessary (which it is unnecessary the mass automated scale because a lot of it goes to waste & is way over produced and if you want to look at it from strictly a food angle - animals treated with care actually produce better products lmao) this doesnt mean you cant care
white people lose their s*** over animals lmao
Nigga quit speaking on my people
"gimmick" it was like 3 posts in a 10 minute timeframe you absolute loser
once again if i ever take KTT posts this serious i would KILL MYSELF
something to think about
No one is taking anything seriously I just said ur joke sucked pls psychoanalyze me some more based off of that
Wow and I locked my cat in the office room this morning , . my cata been begging for treats a little more than usual lately because I hooked him up a few days ago. Now that I think about it , dud could get some HAM
Can’t wait til someone smacks this little gremlin f***. I seen him assaulting Mickey Mouse with the nelk boys too.